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Q: What carries impulse toward the cell body of a neuron?
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What part of a nerve cell carries impulses toward the cell body?

There is one way conduction of impulse into the neuron, from dendrites to nerve body to axon.

What is the part of the neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body?

The part of the neuron that carries impulses towards the cell body is called the dendrite.

What carries impulses away from neuron cell bodies?

The axon of the neurone carries the impulse away from the cell body. The axon of the neurone carries the impulse away from the cell body.

Which neuron carries impulses toward the main cell body?

the axon carries impulses toward the main cell body

What part of the neuron conducts the nerve impulse?

Dendrite toward the cell body, axon away from the cell body.

Small branched extension of a neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body?


What carries impulses from the skin to the central nervous system?

A pseudo-unipolar neuron referred to as an afferent neuron carries a sensory impulse to the spinal cord, which is part of the central nervous system.A pseudo-unipolar neuron has one axon which comes from the cell body (soma) and then splits into two branches, the peripheral axonal branch which carries the impulse from the skin, and the central axonal branch which carries the impulse to the spinal cord; it has no dendrites, which distinguishes it from a bipolar neuron.The impulse moves along the peripheral branch and then to the central branch, skipping the soma.

What receives neuron messages and sends them to the cell body?

The dendrite receives a stimulus and conducts the nerve impulse toward the cell body.

What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for carrying nerve impulse to and from the body?

The dendrites carry impulses to the neuron's cell body. The axon carries impulses away from the cell body.

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Various muscles of lower limb and back and hip.Each nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip. a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.

What are the two parts the neuron is split up into?

There are actually 3 parts to a neuron. The dendrites are tree branch like projections that receive nerve impulses from another neuron, the cell body that contains the nucleus, and the axon, a long fiber that carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body to the next neuron.

What is the part of the neuron that carries messages?

Dendrites carry messages to a cell body of a neuron.