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Freon is the # 1 Culprit.

No, it is never safe to eat any foods that have been contaminated. Toss it out and get your refrigerator repaired.

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Q: What causes food in a freezer to taste and smell like kerosene and is it poisonous to eat?
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A poisonous gas with a strong smell, that is used in industries and causes air pollution

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Do bees and wasps like kerosene smell?

Bees enjoy the smell of kerosene. As a matter of fact, bees enjoy sexual relations in small kerosene pools that occur rather frequently in nature. Wasps on the other hand hate the smell, but love the taste.

What causes Ageusia?

Ageusia is caused by a poisonous herb called Seol Bing Cho. This herb can inhibit the sense of taste, smell and feelings.

What does kerosene smell like?

What the smell reminds me of a bit of toy jelly dinosaurs, or of sticky hands. Those are normally made of vinyl or TPE. Kerosene however has a bid more of an acrid and vile smell, kinda burns the nose a bit.

Does Coleman fuel smell like kerosene?

No, it smells like naptha.

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How can you get the smell of kerosene out of your clothes?

To get the kerosene smell out of clothing can be challenging. The first step is to hang the clothes and let the fumes air out, outdoors if possible. Then you can wash them with a good detergent. Wash as many times as necessary to get the smell out before drying them.