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Any sort of discharge or semen from both the male and female pubic areas that have a strong odor, is itchy or has a weird color is abnormal. Pubic discharges should have little or no color and odor, and should not itch. If you have any of these symptoms, consult your doctor. You may have an infection.

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Q: What causes smelly fishy smelling semen?
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Sorry to answer a question with a question, but, why are you smelling it anyways?

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It is a whitish, smelly coating formed on the Glans(head) of the penis, and is the remains of decomposing semen.

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Semen has several different enzymes in it. One of them causes it to become thinner and more watery after a certain period of time. This chemical reaction also causes the semen to become clear.

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You mean "Semen", which is the fluid that carries spermatazoa out of the male body. Semen after a few minutes can smell somewhat "fishy", so I suppose it could do the same in someone's mouth.

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Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.

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What causes a fishy order with no discharge?

A fishy odour is a sign of an overgrowth in bacteria.This can occur as a result of a temporary imbalance in pH, for example after penis-to-vaginal intercourse without a condom as the semen is more alkaline it makes the vaginal pH less acidic so more favourable to harmful bacteria that can cause this fishy odour. If the odour continues for a few days it may be a bacterial infection like Bacterial Vaginosis, where the harmful vaginal bacteria takes over from the healthy vaginal bacteria - this requires a trip to your doctor.

Why does feces have such a bad odor?

Are you sure it's his semen? One of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis (bv), is a fishy odor, particularly after sex, from the reaction of semen and bacteria. In fact, one of the ways of diagnosing bv is via the "whiff test"; they put some KOH (which, like semen, is alkaline) on a slide with your fluids, and if it smells fishy, bv's pretty much a sure thing. But if it is his semen, i.e. you smell it when you give him oral/manual stimulation, it could be he's not hydrated enough, or due to his diet. Strong smelling semen isn't a sign of anything in particular :-)

What causes you to itch every time semen enters vagina?

There's something called semen allergy. An allergic reaction in your vagina with the presence of semen. This is a fairly rare phenomenon. Are you sure semen is causing the itch. There are several other causes of vaginal itching. If you are unsure you can try having sex using a condom. If you still have the itching it is more likely to be caused by the rubbing. There are several causes of this .