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Most of the gastrointestinal tract - including the large intestine - is made of the same tissue types. Imagine the intestine as a hollow tube made up of three distinct layers; starting from the inside out, they are called:

  • The mucosa: the innermost surface of the mucosa consists of a single layer of epithelial cells with a basal membrane of connective tissue supplied by blood and lymph vessels, and finally a narrow band of smooth muscle.
  • The submucosa: a loose matrix of connective tissue containing blood and lymph vessels, and the ganglia of enteric neurons.
  • The muscularis externa: two layers of smooth muscle running at right angles to one another; the inner layer encircles the wall of the intestine, and the outer layer runs lengthways.
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Q: What type of tissues make up the large intestine?
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What type of movements take place in the large intestine and why?

The type of movement that occurs in the large intestine is called peristaltic action. This is a series of rhythmic contractions of smooth muscles that are in the walls of the intestines. The intestines are composed of many small pouches called haustra. And as peristaltic action continues, feces in the large intestine move from one haustra to another until it finally reaches the anal canal and anus. Then when the internal and external sphincters relax, the feces is expelled from the body.

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What type of tissues make up the surface of the skin?

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