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Tank tops, t-shirts, tuxedo, tube socks, tube top, track pants, (or shorts), thongs, tote bag, toque, tie, tap shoes, toe shoes

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11y ago

· t-shirt

· tank top

· tie

· tights

· toga

· tracksuit

· trench coat

· trousers

· tunic

· turban

· turtleneck

· tuxedo

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Q: What clothing items start with the letter t?
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What are clothing items that start with the letter R?

* T-Shirt * Tie

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What is a piece of clothing that starts with the letter T?

A tassel is a piece of clothing that starts with "T". Trousers also start with the letter "T". T-shirts start with the letter "T". Turtle-necks start with the letter "T". There is also: tie, toga, tank top. Tail coat. Trilby (hat). Thick socks.

What can you wear that begins with the letter T?

T-shirts, thongs, tights, trousers, ties and tops are all items of clothing that you can wear that start with the letter 'T'. Some of these things may vary because different countries call items of clothing different things for instance trousers are called 'pants' in America and 'pants' are a type of underwear that you can get in the United Kingdom.

What baby items start with letter t?

teething ring

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Quiksilver is a clothing brand. Quiksilver T-shirts are a clothing item.

What is found in a washer that starts with the letter t?

Tank top, tie-dye t-shirt, tights, tracksuit, trousers, and turtleneck are clothing items found in a washer. They begin with the letter t.

Clothing that start with i?

clothing that starts with i clothing that starts with i i shirt. kinda like t shirt but without sleeves

Ocean items that start with an t?

Tiger shark, tuna and turtle are ocean animals. They begin with the letter t.

Items that are black that start with the letter T?

Tar, Tasmanian devil, tires, top hat, trash bags and tuxedo are black. They begin with the letter t.

Winter items that start with the letter t?

Tall tales Telephone Thermos-stat table Toys

What items are usually made from cotton?

Clothing, ear swabs, cotton balls. Most popular clothing items are probably t-shirts.