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When light of all colors (wavelengths) is absorbed by an object, the object appears black.

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16y ago

It has no color it is black

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6y ago

That would be black.

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12y ago

Black ones.

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Q: What appears when all the colors is absorbed by the object?
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all the colors are reflected

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All the colors that are NOT absorbed by the object.

What happens when all colors are absorbed?

When all colours are absorbed in an object you will get the colour black

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It has no colors absorbed into. Black would have all colors so heat would be absorbed

When all colors are absorbed what color is the item?

The object appears black when no colors are reflected. (In actuality, some light is reflected by all objects, making black simply a very dark gray.)

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An object that appears black is absorbing all colors therefore none of the colors in the spectrum are being reflected.

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Basically three things can happen to light as it strikes an object. It can be reflected, absorbed, or it can pass through. For simplicity, assume the object is not transparent; in that case, any light that is not reflected is absorbed.

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All of them. We see by the colors that reflect back into our eyes or are absorbed by the object they're hitting

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An object that reflects all colors appears to be what color?

White.==================2nd opinion:An object that reflects all colors appears to be the same coloras the light with which it's being illuminated, whatever that is.3rd answer.The second opinion shows a misunderstanding of light. some wavelengths are absorbed more than others, which leaves the reflected wavelengths we see.As the question specified 'all colours' then the correct answer is white.