

What color shirt would match a tan sweater?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What color shirt would match a tan sweater?
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im pretty sure you can. black is a neutral and having that green under would be your pop of color.

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Theoretically, to actually "match," the shirt would need to be scarlet to match the scarlet shorts. There are colors that would look good with, or "complement" scarlet, like white, black, gray, and some shades of blue, green, or pink.

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That depends on what you want to wear with the suit. If you are asking about shirt colors, white or gray-blue would look nice. If you want to wear a tie, a muted blue tie would match well. As for shoes, only black would match. If you are asking about pants, get black or the exact same color as the suit.

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pink, grey color shirt will be good. White shirt and Black pant will be good.

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it depends if it's a nice black shirt I would go with kahkis but if its a casual shirt I would do light blue jeans

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U can wear jeans and a long sleeved shirt i would wear a sweater in the morning

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A v-neck sweater is just as appropriate as a vest. As always it depends on the rest of your outfit, and the place you are wearing it. For a business setting, I would say that a vest is not very acceptable, but a sweater would be OK. A shirt and tie would be better.