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Aspirin, ibuprofen and Acetaminophen all do this very well, are reasonably safe, and are sold over the counter. These medications are of the NSAID class (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). Remember to read the labels :}

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Q: What type of drugs do doctors prescribe to reduce swelling?
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What type of drugs do doctors sometimes prescribe to reduce swelling?


Who can prescribe drugs for mental illness?

Doctors. Most often, psychiatrists.

Can dentists prescribe narcotic drugs for pain legally?

Yes, they are doctors.

Who are dependent to drugs?

Drug addicts, drug sellers, and in some cases doctors and the people the prescribe drugs to.

Can doctors prescribe six months of Oxycontin?

No , you inbred , you are dumb , no drugs for you , needlehead

Can chirpractor perscribe drugs?

No, chiropractor's are not licensed medical doctors, and as such they can not prescribe medications.

Who decides on who gets what drug at the pharmacies?

The pharmacists dispense drugs based on what doctors prescribe for their patients.

Can vets prescribe drugs for humans?

Yes, but only for veterinary patients, not for people.

How is tennis elbow treated by doctors?

The physician may also prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation and pain. Injections of cortisone or anesthetics are often used if physical therapy is ineffective.

What are antihemorrhoid drugs?

Antihemorrhoid drugs are medicines that reduce the swelling and relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids (swellings in the area around the anus).

Can psychoanalyst prescribe drugs?

No, it takes a medical degree to prescribe drugs.

Treatment using drugs?

Drugs is just another word used to refer to medicine. Lots of treatments require the use of drugs. Doctors might prescribe them or they could be over-the-counter. Not all drugs are bad for you when they are recommended by your doctor.