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There are three main factors that speed up the process of composting. One is the use of the properly compostable materials. Second is the meeting of the appropriatelevels of air, moisture, and temperature. And third is the regular turning of the layers within the compost bin, or of the compost pile. In fact, with the other two factors met, the more the layers are turned, the faster the breakdown into dark brown, fresh-smelling, organic matter-rich humus. The decomposition may take anywhere from just under a month to just under a year.

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Start the pile when it is warm out. Make the pile three parts "brown" (dead and drying stuff) and one part "green" (recently growing stuff). Also shred the stuff so it is small. Covering is a good idea, to keep the moisture in and the rain from washing it away. Stirring the pile once a week will speed decay up.

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Q: What conditions speed up the decay of garden waste in a compost heap?
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What are the two conditions which speed up the decay of garden waste in a compost heap?

Well, there are more than two, strictly speaking, but oxygen and moisture content--although it should be understood that one can also have too much moisture.

Why does mixing a compost pile speed the process of decay?

The decay process needs oxygen for it to happen. The surface of the compost heap will decay faster than the material 'buried' deeper in the pile. Regular mixing of the compost ensures air gets right into the heap - speeding up the decay process.

What makes compost decay more slowly?

Conditions restrictive of macro- and micro-organism activities; inadequate levels of air, heat, light, and moisture; and infrequent turning of layers are the factors which make compost decay slower. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost needs to be aerated, moisturized to the consistency of a wrung-out sponge, and processed by beneficial bacteria and fungi. The alternating carbon- and nitrogen-rich layers require turning two or three times weekly to speed up the breakdown, whose progress will be closer to a year with bi-weekly turns.

What can speed up and slow down decay?

temperature; warmth speeds it up, cold slows it down. moisture; if it is moist it will decay quicker oxygen; if there is a good oxygen flow it should decay quicker. these all speed up decay because the bacteria and fungi that cause decay need these conditions to thrive and multiply

Are maggots among the organisms in a compost bin?

Yes, maggots are among the organisms that may be found in compost bins. The insects in question represent a larval stage that consumes nitrogen-rich layers of compostables and recyclables and helps break down organic matter. The larvae mature into soldier flies (Stratiomyidae family) that encourage beneficial bacterial presences in compost bins.

What conditions increase the speed of decay?

dacay means dieing right? if it dont my bad but here a guess the conditions are if they had to die to live so the wont die later :)))))

What makes the of decay speed up?

There are different types of decay, such as radioactive decay and decomposition. Depending on the type of decay, different factors can affect the speed of the process. Here are some possible answers: For radioactive decay, the speed of decay is usually constant and independent of external factors, such as temperature, pressure, or chemical reactions. However, there are some rare exceptions, such as electron capture and bound-state beta decay, where the decay rate can be slightly altered by the chemical environment or the presence of other particles. For decomposition, the speed of decay depends on several factors, such as temperature, moisture, oxygen, and the presence of decomposers. Generally, higher temperature, more moisture, more oxygen, and more decomposers will speed up the decomposition process, as they facilitate the chemical and biological reactions that break down organic matter.

What is speed for a garden snail in kilometers per hour?

the speed of garden snail in kilometres per hour is 0.048 km/h

Do cool temperatures speed up the process of decay?

No, but hot temperatures do.

Benefits of a Composting Bin?

THE BENEFITS OF A COMPOST BIN OVER A COMPOST PILECompost bins are a great way to reap all of the benefits of composting with less of the problems.Composting has become more popular in recent years, but the idea of having a pile of decomposing waste in the back yard is a turn off for many. A compost bin has many benefits over a traditional compost pile, and is simple to use. CostThe cost of starting a compost bin is actually much cheaper than a person might think. Any large plastic container with a lid will work. A large outdoor trash can with wheels is ideal. The only modifications you will need to make are to drill a few holes in the sides and bottom. For about $15-$30 and a few minutes of your time you are ready to get started.Keeps Pests OutPerhaps the biggest issue that people have with a compost pile is that pests are constantly scavenging it and making a mess of the yard. A compost bin is a closed container which prevents pests from being able to access it. The bin is also less likely to attract some of the larger pests that might flock toward a traditional compost heap.ContainmentIn order for compost to do its job, it needs to decompose quickly. Because the compost bin keeps all of the waste contained in one area, the heat inside will speed up the composition process. Additionally, the lid will keep out most of the rain to prevent excess moisture. Also, with all of the compost in one bin, your back yard might be a little bit more attractive. The bin will replace the traditional pile of waste that needs to be hidden in a far corner of the yard.PortabilityIf your compost bin is made in a container with wheels, then it can be moved around. Sure, portability is not one of the first things people look for when thinking about compost, but it can actually come in handy. If you are one that uses the decomposed organic matter as a fertilizer for your garden, then you can now move the bin to your garden to apply the compost. You don't have to go back and forth between the pile and the garden any longer.

What is is the speed of a snail?

Garden snail, 0.03 mph

What speed up the decay of biomass?

2 factors speed up the process 1.Heat 2.The biomass is loosely packed