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It ruins your engine in your vehicle

It is an old wives tale, the sugar sits on the bottom of the fuel tank like sand. It does not dissolve in gasoline. The program "The Myth Busters" did a segment on this and proved sugar in the fuel tank does nothing to damage the engine.

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Q: What damage can sugar do to a gas tank?
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What does sugar due when put in gas-tank?

Fall to the bottom of the tank and sit there. Sugar will not dissolve in gasoline. It may clog the fuel filter but it will do not damage to the engine. It is a myth that it will damage an engine.

Can oil damage gas tank?

it can damage your car. your gas tank is just a tank with gas, it's kind of hard to damage it.

Will sugar in gas tank make gas spill from the tank?

Putting sugar in a gas tank will mean a trip to the garage since the sugar will ruin the gas filter and go into the engine.

How long does it take to notice that someone put sugar into your gas tank?

You may never notice it because the sugar will just fall to the bottom of the tank. It may eventually clogged the fuel filter but will do no damage to the engine. Sugar will not dissolve in gasoline and it is a myth that it will destroy the engine.

Will water in gas tank damage car?

damage engine no.. will the engine run no.

Does chocolate syrup damage gas engine?

Yes, i would imagine so. Sugar in a gas tank will permanently destroy your engine, so i think Chocolate syrup would too.

What if you put sugar in the gas tank?

Sugar in the gas tank will not cause the engine to fail because sugar does not dissolve in gas. It will get pulled thru the gas line and into the fuel filter(s) and depending on how much sugar is in the tank, will plug the fuel filter sooner or later. This will cause the car to stall or not stay running. You can either replace the fuel filters until the sugar is gone or get the car to a mechanic and have the gas tank removed and flushed out. This is not a do-it-yourself project. You could also drive the car to the mechanic and then have the fuel filter replaced while they are flushing the gas tank.

How you can you get credit if you have no credit?

put sugar in the gas tank

Can a mixture of sugar and water poured through your gas tank cause your head gasket to crack?

No, the sugar will not mix with the gasoline but might clog the fuel filter. The water will stop the engine from running but will do no permanent damage and neither will the sugar.

What does sugar in gas tank do?

nothing at all. sugar doesn't dissolve in gas, so it just sits in the bottom of the tank, the pump is protected by fine mesh that prevents damage. Wrong answer!!! Sure it will not dissolve in gas..But........... You can add sugar to water mix it up well and then add to the gas and it will gum up everything from the tank,pump,filter,lines , injectors and spark plugs ! I know because I did just that to my cheating girlfriends car(which I ended up buying and had to clean the whole system) She never found out I did it ..Yet

Will putting sugar in a gas tank mess up your car?

Sugar sits on the bottom of the tank like sand unless you have some water in the tank also.

What can damage a gas tank?

Anything other than gasoline