

What day was Benedict Arnold born?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Benedict Arnold was born on January 14th 1741

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Q: What day was Benedict Arnold born?
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Yes Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, on Arnold Place.

What is Benedict Arnold's birthday?

Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741.

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Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741.

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Benedict Arnold was born January 14, 1742 and died in 1801

When was Bennidict Arnold born?

Benedict Arnold was born January 14, 1741.

In which year was Benedict Arnold born?

Benedict Arnold was born on January 3rd, 1740. Due to the change from the Julian calender to the Gregorian calender, Benedict Arnold's birth was recorded on January 14th, 1741 in the Gregorian calender.

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Bendict Arnold is the famous traitor who secretly changed sides.

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Benedict Arnold was born in 1740 and died in 1801. He was married to Margaret Mansfield and then to Peggy Shippen.

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There is a Pope Benedict and there was a Benedict Arnold but never a Pope Benedict Arnold.

Who was Benedict arnolds dad?

Benedict Arnold's father was also named Benedict Arnold. They were both named after his great-grandfather, who was the president of Rhode Island.

Who is related to Benedict Arnold?

Hannah King and Benedict Arnold Sr. are Benedict Arnold's parents. Benedict Arnold is most known for being a traitor in the American Revolutionary war.