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Though he was fond of the American pluralism,Einstein was a pro- socialism, I mean in his political view. When we consider what Dostoevsky's master piece of novel, we found that how socialism was a failure to serve the society. For Dostoevsky disproves the theory of socialism, by Crime and Punishment, Einstein come to see more facts which were hidden from the reality( the social context). I think this what He probably mean.

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Q: What did Albert Einstein mean with his quote Dostoevsky gives me more than any Scientist more than Gauss?
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It is Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss whose name (Gauss) we apply to the CGS unit of measure of magnetic flux density. Wikipedia has a post on the Gauss (the unit of measure), and they also have a post on Carl Friedrich Gauss, too. Links are provided. To read more about Gauss on the website, use that related link.

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Yes he was a scientist and mathemitican. He also wrote some books. He was also the Director of the Göttingen Observatory.

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he was a German mathematician and scientist who contributed to many fields, number theory, analysis, statistics, geometry, electrostatics, astronomy and optics

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he was a very famous German scientist and mathematician. he developed and discovered quite a few things, and he also wrote some books

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Gebhard Dietrich Gauss and Dorothea Benz. Its CarlFriedrich Gauss, by the way.

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gauss icaatları

When did Christian Gauss die?

Christian Gauss died in 1951.