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Q: What did Kentucky Resolutions suggested about federal laws?
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The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 and 1799 suggested that states might?

nullify or cancel federal laws

What was significant about the virginia and kentucky resolutions?

The resolves hinted that states had the power to nullify federal laws.

Why did some states believe they had the power to overturn federal laws?

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798.

What did Kentucky and Virginia resolutions claim that states had the right to do?

The Kentucky Resolutions, authored by Jefferson, went further than Madison's Virginia Resolution and asserted that states had the power to nullify unconstitutional Federal Laws.

Which of the following was issued as a result of the Alien and Sedition Acts and stated that the states had the rights to judge whether federal laws agreed with the Constitution?

None. The States do not have this right.

What legislation stated that the state's had the right to judge whether federal laws agreed with the constitution?

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

What did the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions claim the states had the right to do?

The Kentucky Resolutions, authored by Jefferson, went further than Madison's Virginia Resolution and asserted that states had the power to nullify unconstitutional Federal Laws.

What is the philosophy behind the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions supports?

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions supported the idea that states had the right to nullify or reject federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. This philosophy, known as nullification, emphasized states' rights and limited federal power. The resolutions were a response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were seen as infringing on individual liberties.

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions argue?

States could nullify federal laws. That states could and should decide when Congress was passing unconstitutional laws PLATOO against a loose interpretation of the constitution

What was issued as a result of the Alien and Sedition Acts and stated that the states had the rights to judge whether federal laws agreed with the Constitution?

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

One way in which the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions and the South Carolina ordinance of nullification are similar is that each?

it claimed that individual states have the right to interpret federal laws

What was the Virginia Resolution of 1789?

The main goal of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions was to push for states' rights as opposed to deference to the federal government. The Kentucky and Virginia legislatures both argued that the states had the right to declare federal laws unconstitutional.