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Louis XIV began his day with a solemn, private breakfast in his bedchamber. Although he only sipped two cups of broth or tea each morning, he was already thinking ahead to his next meal. Servants waited expectantly as the king gave the orders for lunch. At Versailles, lunch was called le Petit Couvert, which means "the Little Service." There was nothing little about this meal, however. At 1:00 each day, the Sun King sat at an enormous table in his bedchamber as servants presented him with a feast. His lunchtime menu included: * Four different bowls of soup * A whole, stuffed pheasant * A partridge, chicken, or duck * Mutton with garlic gravy * Two pieces of ham * Hard-boiled eggs * Three heaping salads * A plate full of pastries, fruits, and jams Louis devoured it all. Men from the court stood and watched with amazement, and the royal doctors watched with worry. (Later, after the Sun King's death, doctors would discover that his stomach and intestines were twice the normal size.) At 10:00 p.m., it was time to eat again. Dinner was called le Grand Couvert. The king did not eat as much at dinner as he did at lunch. Nevertheless, he still managed to sample many of the forty dishes served each night. Louis XIV dined in his antechamber with the royal family. Plates and utensils made from the finest gold and silver adorned the table. Louis and his queen sat on luxurious red, velvet chairs that faced out to the crowd of spectators.

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