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Louis XVI (the sixteenth / seize)

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Louis XVI was the King of France when the revolution began.

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15y ago

Louis XVI, the last king of France. He was beheaded by guillotine on January 21st 1793.

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It was King Louis XVI (1754-1793), executed by guillotine.

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Louis XVI of France

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King Louis XVI.

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King Louis XVI

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Louis XVI

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Louis XVI

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Q: Who was the French king beheaded during the French revolution?
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Who were king and queen of France before and during the french revolution?

Louis XVI. He was deposed and sent to the guillotine.

When was King Louis XIV beheaded?

He wasn't executed, he died of gangrene and old age. It was King Louis XVI that was guillotined during the French Revolution.

What happened to King Louis after the french revolution?

He was beheaded!

What was the event in Europe which was inspired by the American Revolution in which the King was beheaded.?

It was the French Revolution because the French Revolution began in 1789 and eventually was inspired by the American Revolution. It became very radical and the King was eventually beheaded.

Name of the King the French peasants invaded?

I think you are talking about King Louis the sixteenth. He was the king during the French revolution and was detained by the revolutionaries and later beheaded at the guillotine.

When did the French get rid of their king?

The French got rid of their king during the French revolution (1789 - the king Louis XVI was beheaded in Jan. 1793), during the 1830 revolution (ousting of Charles X, replaced by the constitutional monarchy of Louis-Philippe), and the 1848 revolution (ousting of Louis-Philippe and proclamation of the 2nd republic).

Was king Louis xvi the monarch during the french revolution?

why in fact he was. He was also married to married to Marie Antoinette who were both beheaded.

How many king were beheaded in french revolution?

4,000 royals were killed

King of France that was overthrown by the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI was overthrown and beheaded by the guillotine.

Was napoleon bonaparte beheaded during the french revolution?

No. The Fench Revolution was to dethrone the monarchy. King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinettewere beheaded. Napoleon came to power after the revolution and took over the democratic government. More proof: If Napoleon died in the 1780s, how could he have sold Louisiana to Jefferson in 1803?

Fact on the King of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI was an inept and indecisive French King who lost his office and his head during the French Revolution.

What significant american event helped inspire the french revolution?

It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.