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In the 1950's, the development of suburbs caused a split in the levels of living in the US. The "middle class" moved to the suburbs to have schools teaching to a level of education they were happy with. The inner city was left to the lower level population, the poverty that had to take the education they were given, which was not much. The money for new schools went to the newer "suburbs" and the city got very little which reflected in the level of education in the cities.

Secondarily, it created a lot of new capitalistic opportunities to serve the mass population growth in the suburbs. A growth that has never stopped. One can drive down a main street in any city and notice the shopping coming further out the road each year. The tentacles of capitalism will eventually come to your neighborhood.

Some would say that is great, within walking distance so no fossil fuel is used, stimulates getting exercise; all positive things when you think about it. Others would say it is taking up open spaces and green spaces along the highway and polluting the air with the pavement and buildings.

Whatever your opinion, suburban sprawl is consistent and will continue for the foreseeable future.

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