

What did the bombs look like?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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If you mean the first two atomic bombs, see the link below labeled ATOM BOMBS. It will take you to an aticle on them with photos.

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Q: What did the bombs look like?
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What do bombs look like?

No set appearance. Work in bomb disposal would be much easier if there were.

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Most of the bombs in World War I and II were encased in iron or steel. They were shaped somewhat like a bullet with fins to allow them to drop straight down.

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In the related links box below you can see them both.

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See the link below for images of the FIRST atomic (nuclear) bombs.

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Both basically are the same, they can be fission or fusion bombs like Uranium,Plutonium and Hydrogen bombs. A general description would be that atomic bombs are fission bombs. Nuclear bombs are fusion bombs. Fusion bombs are more powerful weight for weight

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