

Bombs and Explosive Materials

Bombs are explosive weapons that are detonated by a timing mechanism or other means to release a destructive material. Explosive materials, or simply explosives, are substances containing huge amounts of stored energy that produce explosion.

1,207 Questions

Do Intercontinental ballistic missiles ICBM go into space?

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Yes, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are designed to travel into space during their flight trajectory. They follow a ballistic path that involves traveling outside of the Earth's atmosphere before re-entering to reach their target.

What did the glare of rockets and bombs allow Key to see?

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The glare of rockets and bombs allowed Francis Scott Key to see the American flag still flying proudly over Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore in 1814, inspiring him to write "The Star-Spangled Banner."

What elements make up cordite?

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Cordite is composed of three main ingredients: nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and sometimes a stabilizer such as mineral jelly. These components are mixed in specific proportions to create a stable and combustible propellant used in firearms.

How do you think a more powerful weapon such as the hydrogen bomb would fit within the policies of brinkmanship and massive relationship?

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A more powerful weapon like the hydrogen bomb would escalate tensions and increase the risk of mutually assured destruction within the framework of brinkmanship. This weapon would make the policy of massive retaliation more credible, as the threat of its devastating power could deter adversaries from taking aggressive actions. However, the presence of such a destructive weapon also heightens the stakes and increases the potential for miscalculation or accidental conflict.

What are low explosives Give any two examples of it?

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Low explosives are materials that deflagrate (burn rapidly) rather than detonate. They are typically less powerful and generate less pressure than high explosives. Two examples of low explosives are black powder and smokeless powder.

Would the nuclear explosions in Chernobyl and Japan affect the Ozone and climate?

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While nuclear explosions can release harmful radioactive particles into the atmosphere, they do not directly affect the ozone layer or climate on a global scale. However, the localized environmental impact of these explosions can disrupt ecosystems and have health implications for those in the vicinity.

What effects might Nitrogen Triiodide have on humans?

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Nitrogen triiodide is a highly unstable and explosive compound. It can cause burns, irritation, and potential respiratory issues upon contact. Inhaling or ingesting nitrogen triiodide can lead to serious health concerns and should be avoided.

Does transmutation help in making a hydrogen bomb?

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Transmutation can help in making a hydrogen bomb by converting lithium-6 to tritium through a nuclear reaction. Tritium is an important component in a hydrogen bomb. Additionally, transmutation can also be used to produce fissile material such as plutonium-239 needed for triggering the fusion reaction in a hydrogen bomb.

What is made of volcanic ash cinders and bombs?

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Tephra consists of volcanic ash, cinders, and volcanic bombs. Tephra is ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions and can vary in size from tiny ash particles to large volcanic bombs.

Is the nuclear reaction in the sun the same as in nuclear bombs?

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The nuclear reaction in the sun is nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms are fused to form helium, releasing energy in the process. In nuclear bombs, the reaction is nuclear fission, where heavy atoms like uranium or plutonium are split into smaller fragments, releasing a large amount of energy. Both processes release energy by converting mass into energy, but they are fundamentally different reactions.

What type of volcano results from alternating explosives and nonexplosives eruptions?

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A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, results from alternating explosive and nonexplosive eruptions. These volcanoes are typically tall, steep-sided and are composed of layers of lava flows, ash, and volcanic rocks. Stratovolcanoes are known for their explosive eruptions due to the build up of pressure from the alternating eruptions.

What happens when you mix gun powder and napalm?

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Combining gunpowder and napalm can create a highly volatile and dangerous mixture that is highly unpredictable. The mixture could potentially lead to a rapid and intense combustion, causing an explosion with serious consequences. It is important to handle these materials with extreme caution and follow safety protocols.

How much trouble can you get in for making dry ice bombs?

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Making dry ice bombs is illegal and can result in serious consequences, including criminal charges, fines, and potential injury to yourself and others. It is considered a dangerous and reckless activity that can cause harm to property and individuals. It is important to always prioritize safety and follow the law.

What is a radium bomb?

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A radium bomb is a theoretical weapon that harnesses the radioactive properties of radium to create a powerful explosive device. However, radium bombs are not known to have been used in practice due to the difficulty in handling and controlling the radioactive material.

What gas is used to make explosives?

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Chemical explosives often rely on gases such as nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, or carbon dioxide during detonation to rapidly release energy and create the explosive effect. These gases help generate high temperatures and pressures that cause the explosive material to rapidly expand and disrupt its surroundings.

Why did NASA invent the land mine removal device?

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NASA did not invent the land mine removal device. However, they have developed technologies like robotics and imaging systems that can be repurposed for humanitarian purposes, such as detecting and removing landmines. These technologies are being applied by organizations dedicated to landmine clearance efforts around the world.

What is volcanoic bombs?

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Volcanic bombs are blobs of molten rock ejected during a volcanic eruption. They are typically large, ranging in size from a few centimeters to several meters, and can be highly aerodynamic due to their semi-liquid state. These projectiles solidify in the air before landing around the volcanic vent.

Name a case where it could be dangerous or impractical to use explosives for seismic prospecting?

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Using explosives for seismic prospecting near populated areas, sensitive ecosystems, or critical infrastructure could be dangerous due to the risk of accidental explosions, ground disturbance, and potential damage to surrounding structures. Additionally, using explosives in regions with geological or geotechnical risks such as high seismic activity or unstable ground conditions could further increase the danger and impracticality of their use.

What are the advantages of using soap chips versus Styrofoam in the production of napalm?

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Soap chips are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, whereas Styrofoam is not. Soap chips are also less likely to produce harmful fumes when burned compared to Styrofoam. Additionally, soap chips mix more easily with gasoline or other fuel sources to create a more effective napalm solution.

How much uranium was in little boy?

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The Little Boy atomic bomb used approximately 64 kg (140 lbs) of enriched uranium-235 as its fissile material.

Why are hydrogen bombs called dirty bombs?

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Hydrogen bombs are not necessarily referred to as "dirty bombs." A dirty bomb is a type of explosive weapon that combines conventional explosives with radioactive material to spread contamination. This is different from a hydrogen bomb, which is a thermonuclear weapon that releases energy through nuclear fusion.

How many atom bombs are equal to Mt Saint Helen's last eruption?

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The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 released an estimated energy equivalent of 24 megatons of TNT, which is approximately equivalent to 1,600 Hiroshima bombs.

What is the advantage of using tritium with deuterium in a hydrogen bomb?

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Using tritium with deuterium in a hydrogen bomb allows for a more efficient fusion reaction by increasing the rate of fusion and the yield of the bomb. Tritium and deuterium isotopes react at lower temperatures and pressures compared to pure deuterium, making the fusion process easier to initiate and sustain. Additionally, tritium is a potent source of neutrons, which can increase the efficiency of the fusion reaction.

What ingredients are usedto make semtex explosive?

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Semtex explosive is typically made from a mixture of the explosive compound RDX, plasticizer, and binder. Additional ingredients may include mineral oil and stabilizers.