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Various drugs can affect homeostasis. For example extasy can mess up the hormone that tells your kidneys how much water you need (ADH). So your body keeps absorbing more and more water and if you don't get rid of the water it can cause your brain to swell and you to dye after experiencing a lot of pain.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Many things can disrupt homeostasis. The foods that are eaten, the lack of exercise, the weather and many other things can disrupt the balance of our internal and external environment.

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12y ago

Please specify which disease you are referring to.

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13y ago

the hypothalamus controls numerous functions in the body and among them it helps control homeostasis

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Q: What could happen if homeostasis is disrupted?
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How homeostasis can be disrupted?

by stress

What could happen if an could not maintain homeostasis?

It would die.

What can happen to ceels if homeostasis is disrupted?

Homeostasis is the keeping of the environment inside the cell constant. If that's disrupted, the cell will usually die. At least, it will stop functioning normally. If it's a muscle cell, for example, it may contract without a neuron firing to "tell" it to (cramp), or fail to contract when the neuron does fire (fatigue).

What might happen to a protein if homeostasis is disrupted and way it will be happen?

If homeostasis is disrupted, the protein's structure and function may be compromised. This can occur due to factors such as changes in temperature, pH levels, or the presence of harmful substances. Disruptions in homeostasis can cause the protein to denature, leading to loss of its three-dimensional structure and consequently, loss of its normal function.

What could happen if organism could not maintain homeostasis?

It would die.

What can happen to a protein if homeostasis is disrupted?

If homeostasis is disrupted, it can lead to changes in temperature, pH levels, or nutrient availability, which can affect the stability and function of proteins. These changes can cause denaturation, where the protein loses its three-dimensional structure, resulting in loss of function. In severe cases, disrupted homeostasis can lead to protein aggregation and accumulation of misfolded proteins, which are associated with various diseases.

What could happen if an organism could not maintain homeostasis?

it will die because the process of homeostasis is the internal stable environment

What could happen if an organism is unable to maintain or achieve homeostasis?

It will die.

What would happen to your body of you could not maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

What happens to an organism thats fails to maintain homeostasis?

If your body fails to maintain homeostasis it can result in disease or death.

How is homeostasis disrupted in a person who is anemic?

Anemia disrupts homeostasis by decreasing the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. This decreased capacity can lead to fatigue and slower thinking.

What would happen if body couldn't maintain homeostasis?

If the body can't maintain homeostasis, the organism could die because of lack of enzyme function.