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Fiber glass and timber boards cant rust stainless steel can rust in a chlorine rich environment depending on conditions. Also remember that stainless steel nuts and bolts tend to bind over time so the thing to do there is make one of them either the nut or the out out of brass.

you won't be diving in to a salt water pool its not safe

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Q: What diving board platform will not rust when used with a salt water pool?
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How high is an Olympic high dive platform from platform to pool?

3m Springboard is 3m 5m springboard is 5m 10m Platform is 10m

What kind of surface would you typically see a diving board a hanging over?

You would most likely see a diving board over a pool of water that is infested with sharks.

What do you if your farm liability company will not insure your pool because it has a diving board?

Remove the diving board.

Slide On In, Jump Right Out?

One of the most common pool accessories that people have added to their pool is a diving board or sliding board. A diving board needs to be added to the deepest part of the pool so that those who jump off of it do not hit their head on the bottom of the pool. The sliding board can be placed at any side of the pool as long as the water is deep enough for the person sliding to not get hurt.

What materials do you need to reinforce a cracked diving board for an inground pool?

Get a new diving board. Seriously.

Why does the millmerran pool not have a diving board and will you do something to construct one?

i think someone should build a diving board

Can you put a diving board on your pool in Los Angeles?


What is the height of the diving block above water level of an olympic size swimming pool?

The starting blocks can be no higher than 30 inches above water level.

How can you dive in the pool?

If the depth of the water is 8 feet or deeper and the diving board is no more than a foot or so off the water. You can bing/google the exact safety measures when it comes to diving into water.

What makes a person come out of water within no time after he makes a dive from a high diving board into a swimming pool?

the air inside you

What is the thing you jump off to dive in the pool?

Diving board I think

Is there any diving pool standard?

In Georgia it's 8 1/2 feet for diving board depth.