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Jesus Christ, son of God, is truly divine and truly human.

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Q: What do Catholics believe is truly and divine and truly human?
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Is Jesus truly divine?

That depends on your faith. If you believe - he is. For others he is not.

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What in the New Testament tells us about Jesus being truly human?

A:Mark 10:18 (Why call me good. There is none good but God.) has Jesus clearly tell us that he is truly human, not divine.

Is Jesus Christ truly king?

AnswerWhether Jesus was really divine and truly king, is a matter of faith. If you believe that he was, then yes. If you do not believe that he was king, then he was not so, and probably just an itinerant preacher who lived in Palestine many centuries ago.

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Yes, anything is possible if you truly believe.

Who is known as the Son of Man?

Son of Man is one of the many names used to refer to Jesus. This name stresses that Jesus was truly a human being. Jesus is also called to Son of God to stress that He was truly divine.

What is Incarnation?

== == Answer: The word comes from the Latin "carne" which means "flesh". The Incarnation refers to the central Christian belief that the Second Person of the Trinity took flesh of the Virgin Mary, and became truly human (while remaining truly divine) in all things but sin. Christianity is the only religion which holds that God became incarnate. One must believe in the Incarnation (that Christ was truly human and truly divine) to be a Christian. (Some other religions teach that their god takes human form, but the god does not actually become human.)

Why is eucharist important to Catholics?

The Eucharist is important to Catholics because Christ is important to Catholics. You see, the Catholic Church teaches the doctrine of the real Presence, which means that Catholics believe that the host is not a mere symbol of the Body of Christ, and the wine of the blood. They are really and truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ sacramentally present under the appearance of bread and wine.

Why are sacraments so important to catholics?

All seven sacraments are important for Catholics. I suppose, however that you are talking about the sacrament that is most revered by them, the Eucharist, which they sometimes refer to as the Blessed Sacrament. Catholics believe that after the consecration, what remains of the bread and wine brought to the altar, is truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. The Blessed Sacrament is important for Catholics because Jesus Christ is truly present, and He is very important for Catholics indeed.

Do you believe there truly is a god?

yes, I do

What is a Catholic monstrance?

A monstrance is a receptacle used for holding a Consecrated Host (as Catholics be believe that when the bread [hosts] and wine are Consecrated during Mass they truly become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ) for Adoration by the faithful.