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Remember the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried. (from the Nicene Creed in 325 C.E.) The MOST important thing that Jesus did for us was die for our sins to give us the gift of everlasting life. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the MOST important point in all of human history.

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11y ago

There are no Masses on Good Friday, ever. There is a Good Friday Liturgy at which there is Holy Communion given from the reserved Hosts from Holy Thursday. There is also veneration of the Cross, and intercessions offered for the entire world. Many parishes also conduct the Way of the Cross at some time on Friday, but this is not an official part of the Church's liturgy.

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13y ago

depends on the church. the only thing The Bible says is Jesus told us to remember Him and his death, burial, and resurrection and to break bread and drink wine to remember (doesn't mean alcoholic wine either). on good friday, my church does just this by having a cracker and a cup of juice and celebrating the events that occurred after the last supper.

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12y ago

Good Friday is the most solemn day on the Liturgical Calendar and is NOT celebrated. It is observed by Catholics by attending Good Friday services in their Church and by fasting and abstaining.

Catholics are asked to pray and reflect on Christ's death and fast (One full meal and two smaller ones, which together do not equal a full meal). Also, Catholics should not eat meat on Good Friday.

Fast and pray, fast and pray.

Thank God for His Only-begotten Son's sacrifice.

Grieve for Christ.

Prepare to rejoice for His triumph.

Roman Catholic AnswerIt used to be called the Mass of the Presanctified. Is the the only day of the year when Mass is not celebrated. In the new liturgy, since Vatican Council II, it is a Solemn Liturgical Action in the afternoon which consists of a reading of the Gospel according to St. John, special prayers for the Church and the people of all classes of society, the veneration of the Cross, and a Communion service.

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

We are remembering and honoring Our Blessed Lord for undergoing His Passion and Death out of Love to save us.

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12y ago

There is no Mass on Good Friday as Jesus is mourned and not resurrected. Holy Communion is distributed, however. Also, there is veneration of the cross.

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What we celebrate on Good Friday?

What we celebrate on Good Friday is THE LORD'S PASSION

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Nobody celebrates Black Friday. It's just a shopping day.

When do you celebrate Good Friday this year?

Friday the 22nd of April

What countries celebrate Good Friday?

Any countries celebrate good friday,it just depends on what you belive.For example, if i lived in Pakistain and i was a christain then i would celebrate it.Get it? Any countries celebrate good friday,it just depends on what you belive.For example, if i lived in Pakistain and i was a christain then i would celebrate it.Get it?

Is Good Friday a day of abstinence for Catholics?

Yes, Catholics should abstain from eating meat on Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during Lent.

What kind of fish can catholics eat Good Friday?


Why do Canadians celebrate Good Friday?

Most Canadians are Christian and Good Friday is a day celebrated by Christians.

What are the protestant holidays?

The two major holidays that a Protestant should celebrate are: The 12 of July (Orangemans Day) and the 5th of November (Guy Fawkes Day).

How you celebrate Good Friday?

Go to church and Eat

How many masses were celebrated in the Catholic and Christian Churches?

You are being redundant. Catholics are theoriginal Christian Church. Catholics celebrate Mass every day of the year with the exception of Good Friday. At any given moment a Mass is being said somewhere in the world.

What day do you not go to mass?

In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.

Rules of lent catholic?

Lent is a time of public penance for Catholics. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 should fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Catholics 14-years and older should not eat meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and every Friday during Lent.