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Jews believe that God made the Earth.

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Q: What do Jews believe made the world?
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When did World War 2 break out with the Jews?

the Jews war was fought by Hitler as he had a personnel vendetta against them and made his followers believe they were responsible for WW1..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................and he ate their babies

Do Jews believe god created the world?


What did god make that Jews believe he made?

Everything. The entire universe, and everything in it. We also believe he made the Torah, our holy script, before the world was even created. Not only that, we also believe he is in control of everything, and everything's existence is sustained by Him every second.

Do Jews believe in a world to come?

Yes, Judaism teaches of Olam Ha'ba, the world to come. This will be the time after hamoshiach has arrived and the world has come closer to being like gan eden. Please see the related link for an explanation.

Would Adolf Hitler's non existence have made a significant difference on Jews or the world today?

If Hitler didn't exist he wouldn't have made an impact of Jews or on the world.

Did god make bedbugs?

If you believe that God made the world and everything in it, then you must believe that God made bedbugs. If you don't believe that God made the world, or if you don't believe in God, then you likely do not believe that God made bedbugs.

What view of god do both Jews and Christians have?

They both believe in a god that made the earth

Did the Jews believe that the Israelites created the world's first theocratic government?

No, we never claimed that.

How world was made?

well as i am Muslim i believe that the world was made by god i believe that it was not just luck or a covincidence that the world was made because that would just be impossible

When the Jews were killed when did the world decide to put the Jews in israrel?

"The world" had very little to do with the decision. It was made by the Jews themselves, and much of "the world" has been trying to undo their decision for the past 64 years.

Why wrere the German mean at the Jews?

Germans (pure German)thought that the Jewish people were the the reason they lost World War 1. They believed this as: 1: Hitler made them believe as he thought that the worst people were Jews and his speeches were powerful and had a clear message. 2: Jews did protest about stopping the war which made them believe Hitler was right. The result was Jewish shops and businesses boycotted in the start and more than 5mil Jews killed in Germany due to Hitler in concentration camps

Do Jews believe in Christ or God?

Jews believe in God.What about Jesus?In Judaism, Jesus was a regular human being who lived in olden times, and is not part of Jewish religious belief.See also the Related Links.Link: Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?Link: What do Jews believe about God?