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Anorexics tend to eat a little each day.

Around 100-200 calories.

Normally Anorexics skip breakfast, if they don't skip it, then undoubtfully something very small and low in calories and fat.

Lunch is also very low in calories and fat, maybe half or even a quarter of what a healthy person would eat. This is if they don't skip that aswell.

Anorexics (if young and living with a parent) eat whatever is served to them, but they pick at it instead. Eating as less as they can without getting caught by their parents and then hiding it or throwing it away. If this is an impossible mission, then they might be sick/throw it up after.

Snacking is probably out of the question, and drinking water is unlikely, as your body stores water, so they would want to lose the weight of water.

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Can anorexics eat small amounts of ice cream?

What a scary question. You didn't ask "do they" - which is just as scary as your misunderstanding of anorexia. Anorexics are merely people who starve themselves because they constantly believe they are imperfect or fat - normally due to low self esteem. Anorexics can eat ice cream. They can eat steak. Anorexics can eat whatever they want, the problem is the fact that they don't. Do not emulate an anorexic. Do not starve yourself to become skinnier - it will kill you.

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Some anorexics will try to take the focus off of their lack of eating by baking or cooking food for others, playing with their food, helping younger children eat, and so on.

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Anorexics (anorexia nervosa)

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How do anorexic people throw up?

Anorexics don't eat. Bulimics throw up.

Why do anorexics eat slowly?

Anorexics eat slowly for several reasons. They include..... * Finish meals at the same time as others (who eat at a normal pace), but will have eaten less due to their slow speed * Pick at what they eat (in elaborate or multi-part meals) better * Feel full after eating less food

Why do anorexics bloat?

Anorexics may bloat because they tend to live off of water and coffee, but they also might eat a candy bar or something else during the day to keep their energy up.

When your anorexic can you drink Diet Coke?

Anorexics can eat or drink almost anything, but can also become ill.