

What do bees do with their honey?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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7y ago

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Bees need honey for their survival.

Honey is the main source of food during winter months for bees.

During warmer seasons, bees usually feast on nectar from flowers. With exception to the Queen who eats "royal jelly". A specially mixed nectar made by her worker bees which contains huge amounts of vitamins, promoting growth and fertility in the Queen.

Any nectar that the bees bring back to the hive are stored in little wax cells. Nectar is actually rather watery. But the heat inside the hive and the fanning of cool air by the bee's wings helps the nectar to dry, forming honey.

Once nectar is dry enough the bees will cover it up with wax to protect it.

During colder months when most of the flowers wither and stop producing large amounts of nectar, the bees break open the wax seals on the honeycombs and eat the honey.

Honey, due to the high natural sugar content and humid storage, never spoils. So it can be stored in the hive for months.

Bees are actually a lot more complex and social than most people realise.

They have a complex monarchy system, where the Queen is even fed better food than the rest of the bees. Bees also very carefully ration their honey supplies, so there is always enough to go around. They all have different "jobs" too. Not every bee is a nectar collector. Some bees are assigned to fanning nectar with their wings, others are assigned to babysitting larvae, then there's the Queens personal bodyguard bees, the honeycomb wax sealers, the "guard" bees flying around outside the hive and so on.

So, to answer your question, Bees need honey to feed on during cold, winter months. Until the warmer months when they finally leave the hive again to replace all the honey they ate.

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