

Food eaten by the lizard

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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They eat insects,leaves and flowers.

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Q: Food eaten by the lizard
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an eater because it eats as every other animal does

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What is a lizard eaten by?

lizards are eaten by some snakes, cats, and birds, such as an eagle.

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lizard fish food

How long can lizard live without food?

I have a bearded dragon and the longest he has gone without food is 3 weeksn i did not want to risk killing him so... ill tell you something great and helpful every lizard has a tail right? right so if every lizard has a tail why do they have a tail? well a lizard has a tail for FOOD STORAGE thats when they store there food incase they will be needing it later which most lizards need there food storage for there 1 week hybernation dureing winter. but if a lizard loses its tail it has to hunt for food more often as it did before because it has no storage available and the tail will re grow but the tail will be shorter it is easy to tell if a lizard is starving because of the following 1 the lizard has a skinny tail 2 the lizard itself looks like he hasnt eaten for a period 3 health issues a lizard can live without food for about 3-4 weeks...

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I have a bearded dragon and the longest he has gone without food is 3 weeksn i did not want to risk killing him so... ill tell you something great and helpful every lizard has a tail right? right so if every lizard has a tail why do they have a tail? well a lizard has a tail for FOOD STORAGE thats when they store there food incase they will be needing it later which most lizards need there food storage for there 1 week hybernation dureing winter. but if a lizard loses its tail it has to hunt for food more often as it did before because it has no storage available and the tail will re grow but the tail will be shorter it is easy to tell if a lizard is starving because of the following 1 the lizard has a skinny tail 2 the lizard itself looks like he hasnt eaten for a period 3 health issues a lizard can live without food for about 3-4 weeks...

Can eating a lizard make a cat sick?

If the lizard has eaten grass sprayed with pesticide, it is possible although not highly probable.

What gets eaten by a lizard?

Spiders, crickets, other bugs, etc.

What is the niche of a lizard?

In biology a niche is the organisms role in and ability to adapt to survive. A snails niche is to be food for animals and pests to humans.

Difference between the food of garden lizard and home lizard?


What happens if a lizzard is with a bunny in a cage?

The bunny will be scared to death, but it won’t be eaten by the lizard.

How do the armadillo lizard get their food?

it grabs it...