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You eat it.

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Q: What do you do after you get the gum from the guy on big Nate island?
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On what island do you find gum on Poptropica?

On Big Nate island, you have to go into the Komix Shop, and talk to the guy, then find all of the Big Nate comic pieces, assemble them, and give them to him. Then he'll give you gum. *Various kinds of "effects" using gum are also available in the Store, but do not have anything to do with Big Nate Island.

Where is the the gum on big nate island?

You get the gum as a reward for finding and assembling the Big Nate comic. Get the frame from the guy at Klassic Komix and find the missing 8 pieces. Put them in the proper order and show them to the comics guy, and you will get the gum. (see related question)

Poptropica where do you find the chewing gum?

In big nate island, find all the missing comic pieces and then give it to the guy who wants it.

How do you get the gum from the classic comics guy on Big Nate Island?

You have to find all 8 pieces of the comic then put it in order and then show Klassic Komix guy.

How do you get the gum in big nate poptropica?

you need to finish the comic give it to the guy an he will give you gum

Where do i find the gum in big nate in poptropica?

You have to finish the comic for the guy.

Where do you get the gum on big nate island?

The guy in the Klassic Komix store gives it to you if you find all of his comic pieces and put them in the right order.

Where do you get chewing gum on big nate island?

You have to find all 8 of the Big Nate comic pieces, and arrange them in the frame from the guy at "Klassic Komix". Find all the pieces and arrange the panels to make the complete comic. Give him the comic and he will give you some gum.

Where is the chew gum in big nate?

You can get chewing gum after you complete the comic and give it to the guy asking you to complete it

How do you get another piece of gum on big nate?

You complete the comic and give it to the guy that's Nate's dad. he gives you gum as a reward. Hope this helps!

What do you do with a stiinkbomb on big nate island?

you gotta get the comic give it to the guy he will give you gum go inside the school and chew it and use the bomb in detention

Where is the chewing gum on big nate island?

They are out of Bubble Gum in the Pop-In Shoppe. But you can get gum from the guy in the Klassic Komix shoppe. Get the frame for the comic strip from him and assemble all 8 missing pieces. (see related question)