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You should never have gotten into a new relationship if you still had feelings for your ex. U need to be completely willing to give your all in a relationship before you start one. Did you consider this new partner could be a rebound if you still feel for your ex? You have to tell your ex how you feel or else end your current relationship because you can't have two on the go either, which could happen if your ex still has feelings for you too. Ask yourself am I completely happy with my current partner or would I be more fulfilled if I tried one more time with my ex? Hope this helps!

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Q: What do you do if you still have feelings for an ex even though your in another relationship?
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Should yu tell your ex your still have feelings for them even if your in another relationship?

If you have feelings for your ex, but are in a relationship, i suggest you break up with your current girlfriend/boyfriend, and see if your ex still has feelings....

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Tell them that you still have feelings for them and that you would like to start over and hope that they will give you another chance.

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Because you probally still have feelings for that person. Ask them back out if their not in another relationship or if you guys broke up for something really bad.

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He means to say that he still does having feelings for you, but he is uncertain about how the relationship will work out in the end.

If you and your boyfriend broke up some 4 months ago and now you're dating someone else but in doing so you realized you still have feelings for your ex what would you do?

You shopuld ask yourself is it fair on your current boyfriend if you are not completely committed to the relationship and still have feelings for your ex. Maybe it is too soon after your break-up to have another relationship and you still have some feelings that you need time to deal with.

Does a guy still have feelings for his ex-girlfriend even thought his in another relationship?

it depends who it is he can be over her or some aren't over there ex but they dont show it..but yeah i know a lot of people who moved on and has a new gf but still has feelings for his ex-gf

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Then let her know of these feelings, if she still insists her feelings for another person, let her have him.

How do you get your ex boyfriend back after you split up with him you have given it another go without actually being in a relationship but you still love him yet he has no feelings for you?

Try to win him over.

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Of course it is! The man is the father of your child, for Pete's sake! If you are in another relationship and you or your significant other believe the father is a threat to the realtionship, explain to him/her that this person is your child's other parent. He can't be replaced or banned from you or your child's life. These feelings may start to wittle down to nothing more than a friend after awhile, and this is ok too. Also, talking to your child's father about your feelings is a good idea as well. He may still have feelings for you as well.

How do you know if you still love your girlfriend or have feelings for another girl who is your close friend?

To find this out you hang out with the girl to see if you still have feelings for her. That will give you your true feelings about her.