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In my personal opinion, the person has got to want to stop taking heroin, then and only then, will they be ready to seek help for themselves. However, to answer your question the best way is a drug users service in your local area where they will get professional help from doctors, nurses, counselors and other ex-users where they will probably be put onto methadone or some other medication to stabilize them and get them off street drugs then they will look at reducing there meds to get them drug free and also counsel them regularly and try to get them help in sorting out other problems that usually occur with drug abuse- housing problems, debt, police, crime, illness, childcare, social services, etc.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Well, first you need to learn to recognize the signs of an overdose situation regarding an opioid like heroin. Since heroin severely depresses the CNS (Central Nervous System) breathing will be practically undetectable and motor coordination will not exist. The most tell-tale sign of an overdose is pupils that contract to the size of pinpoints. The best thing and only thing to do is call an ambulance!! Emergency vehicles are prepared with a drug called Narcan (Naloxone) that when administered instantly (about 2 minutes) stops the drug from binding with the opioid receptors in the CNS. Opioid overdoses are reversable as long as a medical professional is contacted in time. Nothing can bring a person back from the dead. Even if you have been engaging in the drug-use at the time as well, it is important to get over your fear of getting in trouble and SAVE YOUR FRIEND'S LIFE!

It is needless to say that hands down the best way to stop or prevent an OD is not to use the drug in the first place. However, due to the wide variety of potency on the streets, a user should be very careful from whom he is purchasing. The slightest change in potency can cause an overdose.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Heroin is just about the toughest drug to quit. Experts recommend in patient rehab as the most effective option.


This depends on many different things. The best thing to do is to support the person and give them good advice. Do not enable them, try to talk with them without being judgmental and stubborn. Listen to the person when they talk about there problems and issues. Do not try to force the person to do anything otherwise they will run and continue to use more.

Give the person time, things like this take time and do not change overnight. Suggest talking to a doctor, or going to a methadone clinic. Also suggest trying to go to narcotic anonymous meetings.

Do not push these ideas to hard on the person otherwise it will become worse.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Honestly, the very best way to help anybody with any problem is to bring them to the Bible. Jesus can heal any of our problems no matter how complex or how huge or even how small! An addict can find peace in the loving arms of an almighty creator that only wants their heart. if they give their lives to Jesus, just step back and watch how amazingly He transforms them. The Bible promises us all a new life if we will but trust Him!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

get them to realize that smoking is just the start. I smoked Heroin for 4+ years upto 5 grams a day. Eventually you take that next step and shoot up!! Which I have been doing for almost 2 years now!!! Im currently trying to step back down to smoking but I feel absolutely nothing, so there is always the urge to go to score some more rigs(syringes).

I have no veins left though since I was shooting a gram at a time my veins all went into hiding real quick!! Please get them help. I hope I can recover. I know If the smoking isn't out of hand , its alot easier than if the disease progresses. And believe me, its incredible how fast you can go from a quarter gram lasting all weekend smoking to beeing a $250 gram a day junkie like me!!!!!!! Good luck and God bless...........

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Well, if you're worried about it, you probably need a Heroin Overdose Kit. A quick web search should find you a way to get one of those.

Do NOT make a person vomit unless told to do so by poison control or a health care professional.

The National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States. This national hot line number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You should actually take them to the emergency room. The health care provider will measure and monitor the patient's vital signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate. The patient may receive:

  • Breathing support
  • Fluids by IV
  • Laxative
  • Medicine, called a narcotic antagonist, to counteract the effects of the heroin (multiple doses, if needed)

If an antidote can be given, recovery from an acute overdose occurs within 24-48 hours.

Because heroin is commonly injected into a vein, there are also health concerns related to sharing contaminated needles. Sharing contaminated needles can lead to hepatitis, HIV infection, and AIDS.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you overdose on heroin you will be either unconscious or dead, and in either case you will be in no position to do anything. What your friends can do for you, if they have not also overdosed on heroin at the big heroin party, is to rush you to a hospital for emergency medical treatment.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Heroin addiction is one of the worst addictions to try and beat. It is extremely important to seek professional help when trying to get off of heroin, and to be monitored throughout the detox period. One program used to treat heroin addiction is methadone.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

After a thorough diagnosis by a professional, the next step is a treatment plan. There is no cure for heroin addiction, but you can stop using it with the help of various treatment and therapy programs.

Your treatment plans depend on:

What drug of choice is used

How much has been consumed

Mental health

Co-occurring disorders

Dual diagnosis

Treatment options for heroin include Individual group therapy, family therapy, medical detox, and a focus on understanding addiction and coping without using drugs. Levels of care and settings depend on your needs and maybe outpatient, residential, or inpatient programs.

Pharmacological Treatment

Pharmacological treatment involves using different drugs either to help with medically assisted detox withdrawal symptoms or prevent an overdose. Medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone can help by blocking euphoric effects of heroin and can reduce cravings. They also work to heal your brain and body and help them work without drugs.

Naloxone can be used to revive someone who is dying of a heroin overdose or other drug overdose. It’s used as a nasal spray or an injection.

Behavioral Treatment

Behavior therapy or psychotherapy can be an option when getting help for heroin addiction. These sessions are done by a psychologist or a drug and alcohol professional to help you heal your brain and the cognitive skills without drug use. This can be done in a one-on-one, group, and even family setting.

Behavioral treatment helps by developing new ways to cope without drugs. In what other ways does behavioral therapy help or benefit the user?

Counselors will suggest strategies to avoid drugs.

Counselors offer help on how to deal with relapse if it occurs.

Counselors talk with you about your job situation, and legal situations you may be in, as well as ask about friends and family to get a better understanding of what you go through.

You learn skills on how to communicate better with people and family.

Mental health issues are addressed with a counselor.

It’s important to know that addiction is a disease in the brain, it causes chronic use of drugs because of the way it changes brain and body function. If you or someone you love is struggling with a heroin use disorder, investigate treatment options today.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

drink alot of milk and water and within 30 mins. of overdosing puke/vomit drink milk constantly but call poison controll or go to the hospital cuz this isn't 100% effective

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Q: What to do when someone overdoses on heroin?
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Can heroin hurt you?

Heroin will almost certainly hurt you if you use it; it is addictive, it is a powerful narcotic, and many people have died of heroin overdoses.

What is given for a heroin overdose?

Naloxone is commonly used to counteract opiate overdoses.

What are some of the dangers of heroin use?

There are many dangers of the use of heroin, as it is a very hard drug and can get people very addicted and dependent on its use. The dangers of heroin are overdoses, rotting teeth, heart diseases, lung cancer and infections.

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What does it mean if you dream about heroin?

There are too many possibilities to suggest a meaningful interpretation. A dream of using heroin would be very different from a dream of buying or selling heroin or of watching someone else using heroin.

How many deaths do heroin cause a year?

Heroin is responsible for thousands of deaths annually. In the United States alone, tens of thousands of people die each year from heroin-related causes, including overdoses and other complications.

What is someone who shoots up heroin called?

A junkie, an addict, or a drug abuser. Some people call heroin abusers horse heads, horse being another term for heroin.

What drug did Mia Marcellus overdose on in the movie Pulp Fiction?

it was cocaine because if you actually remember the seen where she overdoses you'll see that she is sniffing :D that's wrong, its heroin. you can sniff heroin just like cocaine. Heroin is not allways brown, it can be white and it looks just like cocaine. also, she had been doing cocaine all night and she snorted the equivalent of what she had been snorting in heroin, so she ods. Two extreme opposites mixing at high doses can be fatal.

How many parents have lost two children to heroin overdose?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as it varies depending on location and time period. However, data shows that opioid overdose deaths, which can include heroin, have been on the rise in many countries. These deaths can have a devastating impact on families, and the number of parents who have lost two children to heroin overdoses is undoubtedly heartbreaking, but specific statistics may not be readily available.

Is someone overdoses in a house in your name are you liable?

If you are the guardian of the person then maybe but if you are not related then not sure.It also all depends if you are the owner of the house.

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How did sublime get their name?

It is the word theyd say when someone overdoesed on heroin.