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This answer should greatly rely on the way you feel and the rest of your circumstances. Your age, whether or not you have a child(ren) together, you're living together, and so on and so forth. Moving back to the aforementioned YOUR feelings, you need to do some soul searching and whether or not you're able to forgive and move on. But please really think about this . From personal experience, it's very hard to move on. First and foremost you need to do what's best for you, because esentially that's what the cheater was thinking about..themselves.

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Q: What do you do when your boyfriend tells you he slept with someone else?
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Dump him - he gonna cheat

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You don't cope. Don't think about it. It was before he met you, you couldn't prevent it.

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i would ask him another time and see if he tells you the same thing or just ask someone else x

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then he shouldn't be your boyfriend… if you have a boyfriend AND crush on someone else, you aren't ready for a strong relationship. so, if i were you, i'd break up with my boyfriend! also, if he's the kind of guy that tells people your personal stuff, then he's not the kind of guy you need to be around! you deserve someone who respects you and wouldn't ever say something that they know would embarrass you!

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by checking the way he looks at you...and by telling you if you look beautiful or by him askin you out or by when someone else tells you that he likes you(:

How do you get your ex boyfriend back when you slept with somebody else while you were broken up?

ummmmmm....... You cant really

What does it mean when someone has slept with someone else?

It is a polite way of saying they had sex.

Likes someone's boyfriend?

If you like someone else's boyfriend...that may be tough for you! You have to try and understand that he is with someone else. You would want to have what makes him happiest!

What is the word for when someone tells someone not to do what someone else tells them to do?

That could mean to contradict the other person or undermine what they are saying.

What do you do if you have your first kiss with your boyfriend but you wanted it with someone else?

Have it with someone else! if you dint like it, it doesn't count :)

What should you not do around your boyfriend?

Cheat on him with someone else.