

Best Answer

Answer 1

Everything! You're devoting 100% of your life to God.

Answer 2

It depends entirely on where you are starting from. However, becoming an Orthodox Jew is not like becoming a nun; you are not praying 24/7 and devoting everything you do to the sanctification of God. It will require you to be kosher, observe Shabbat, and try to perform the other commandments, but you can still have pretty much any job you currently have, keep any friends that you currently have, and live in much the same area you already live in.

Answer 3:

See Answer 2. In addition to not eating unkosher food or working on Shabbat, you'll be giving up:

a) The melancholy of a purposeless, directionless life

b) The doubts as to the big questions: if God exists, what it all means, etc.

c) The terror of one's mortality

d) The wilder aspects of contemporary society: porn, unrestricted drinking, etc.

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Q: What do you have to give up to become an Orthodox Jew?
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