

What do you know about Nationals inc.miss teen pagent?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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This women may be right from the parents point of view but I attended the pageant and I won with an old dress, old shoes, mom did my makeup. I enjoyed the experience whether there was 10 girls or 500 because in Florida there was about 500 or 600. This is the minor league in Pageants as far as money goes.


I wish I had listened to my gut instinct. Throw away the letter! Let me tell you EXACTLY what we went through...

First, we brought our "invitation only" letter with us to the FREE information session at the hotel. There were at least 200 girls (all ages) with their parents packed in a social hall. The Coordinator, an average-looking blonde with a vague resume, prompted us through Nationals core value system, glorious prizes, and so forth. Row by row the girls exited to the hallway for a quickie "interview" with a staff member. During this time, parents watched a promo slideshow - we viewed happy faces, friendships, and most intriguing- the BIG PRIZE - an all-expense paid trip to Orlando, FL. The entire time, the Coordinator explains there is NO COST involved....Sounds great! We're ready to sign up!

Here's the catch. This is what they don't tell you and by the time you find out you've already committed yourself.

The pageant fee is $495. They expect you to find "Sponsors" to pay for you. However, in the real world finding a corporate/business Sponsor is easier said than done especially within the limited time frame before the deadline. Your child is lucky if she can get a few bucks from both sets of grandparents. You want to teach her how to "earn this" by making her contact everyone she knows...So, she writes letters and contacts aunts, uncles, neighbors, and friends to help her out. Even if they say yes, you may have to wait before you actually get money from them (live far away, they forget, etc). The frustration begins....

As a mom, I put on my thinking cap and tried to find a fast & easy way to raise money. I contacted Hershey's company and ordered a case (120 bars) to begin a fundraiser for my daughter. There goes $128.50 on my VISA...

I begin research for a pageant dress. Of course, the realization kicks in that this is a competition so you want your daughter to stand out and feel great on stage next to all those girls. I found everything from $75 used dresses on EBAY to $1000 custom gowns at fancy boutiques. I opted for $178 Gown online - charge my VISA again.

Now, we need to find "business attire" to wear. Something crisp, new, and age appropriate. We spent 2 full days at the mall, Target, Old Navy, etc. trying to find something. Nothing fits (size 00 short), everything is grandma-looking, and my daughter is not enjoying the process whatsoever. We settle for a $64 dress and $24.50 shoes. Keep in mind - we still need to find things for her casual wear outfit.

Ok, so we make it to the Training Class. Again, the girls and parents fill the hotel social room. We did not have a B&W headshot so we opted for the "Free" photo with the on site photographer. We ended up paying an additional $99 for the Photo CD since we were just informed we will not be allowed to be near the stage to take photos during the pageant. All parents want photos of this wonderful event right? In addition, we decided to enter "Miss Photogenic" for $125. This was optional, but it also increases your chances of winning.

The Training session was a major disappointment. There is absolutely no time for the girls to mingle, make friendships, or learn any of the so-called training techniques they mentioned. All girls (all ages) lined up in rows and crowded in the center of the room. The Coordinator rushed through "hesitation pose" and rounded them up like cattle. The girls were so cramped side-by-side they were bumping into chairs and each other. This is what they call training? So, what am I paying for exactly??? Adding insult to injury, we've been informed that ALL GUESTS & CHAPERONES must pay $20 CASH per ticket to attend the pageant. This is ridiculous. They actually charge the parents KNOWING your child cannot enter without an adult.

So, let's do the math so far....

$495 Pageant fee

$125 Miss photogenic

$99 Photo CD (cheapest offer)

$178 formal gown

$100 business attire, formal shoes, etc.

$20 mom's ticket to the pageant (do I have a choice?)

TOTAL = $1017.00

By the way, we were lucky to break even with the Hershey's fundraiser. Hopefully, we can sell the rest before they melt. One family member pulled through with $175 check. We're waiting on the rest (Estimated $200 from all).

Did we really want to win this thing? Of course, but that's Ok. Because if your daughter wins you must be prepared to pay your own way to Orlando. Sure, your daughter's trip is all-expense paid 5 nights, but what about her chaperone? They fail to tell you that part. The CHAPERONE is responsible for hotel, airfare, etc. She must have an adult chaperone to attend. They make it seem like the parent is automatically included (mention a parents 70's DJ party, family fun night, etc). After all, our girls are MINORS. Parents assume there isn't a fee for the chaperone. BEWARE - There's the catch. $$$ adds up quickly.

So, there you have it. We will not be doing this again. Lesson learned.

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