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he wants the u.s to have better Health.

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Q: What does Barack Obama want for the US?
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How does Barack Obama feel about drilling in the Arctic?

Barack Obama does not want to drill in the arctic. he wants to drill off shores of the US.

When did Barack Obama retire?

Barack Obama is still in office as the US President.

Who is the president of the US now in 2011?

Barack Obama.

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Barack Obama Sr. is the father of the US president Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

What is the name of US president 2014?

The name of the US president in 2014 was Barack Obama.

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No. Obama's father was never a US citizen.

How is Obama serving in the US now?

Barack Obama is a US senator.

After Barack Obama is sworn into office how many presidents will the us have had in total?

Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th US President.

I want to know who the president was of the US.?

The current President of the US is Barack Obama who was a former congressman from the state of Illinois.

Full name of present president of US in office?

barack obama

What are the Barack Obama chris moyles lyrics?

Chris says he just wrote "Barack Obama" but I've worked out the following: Barack Obama Barackobama Barack Obamaba Rackoba Mabarack Obama Barack Obama Baracka Bama Barack Obama Barack Oba Ma Barack Obama Barack Obama Barack Obama Barackobama Barack Obamaba Rackoba Mabarack Obama Barack Obama Baracka Bama Barack Obama Barack Oba Ma Barack Obama Barack Obama Ba - Rackaba Barack Obama - a Barack Obama SING! Barack Obama - a Barack Obama Barackobama Barack Obamaba Rackoba Mabarack Obama Barack Obama Baracka Bama Barack Obama Barack Oba Ma Barack Obama Barack Obama Baaaaaaaaaa - Rackaaaaaaaaaa Obama - a - aaaaaaaaaa - maaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaa - Rackaaaaaaaaaa Obama - a - aaaaaaaaaa - maaaaaaaaaa Ba - Rackaba Barack Obama - a Barack Obama Barack Obama - a Ba - Rackaba Barack Obama - a Barack Obama Barack Obama - a Ba - Rackaba Barack Obama - a Barack Obama SING! Barack Obama - a Ba - Rackaba Barack Obama - a Barack Obama Barack Obama - a Baaaaaaaaaa - Rackaaaaaaaaaa Obama - a - aaaaaaaaaa - maaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaa - Rackaaaaaaaaaa Obama - a - aaaaaaaaaa - maaaaaaaaaa Barack Obama Rackabama Rackabama Rackabama Rackabama Rackabama Rackabama (Repeat to finish)