

What does CUTLASS stand for in graphs?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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13y ago

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C is for crosses, to mark out the points

U is for units, the two axes need proper units

T is for title, a title at the top of the page

L is for Line of best fit, only use a ruler to join the axes in columns or column graphs

A is for axes labeled, label the two axes such as date and time

S is for scale, which has to be correct on both axes

S is for size, it should take up more than half a page

yay :D so glad I could help ... finding my old science book was to easy

hope this wasn't too late :S

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13y ago
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Darren Scorner

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Darren Scorner

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Thank you chap! :D You're still helping people to this day. Awesome work. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the assistance Your response [mention the context or topic] made a significant difference

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