What kind of oil should you use in your 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass 350?
Well, honey, for that vintage ride of yours, you'll want to stick with good ol' conventional motor oil. Go for a 10W-30 grade to keep that engine purring like a kitten. Just make sure you change it regularly, or that Cutlass might just decide to retire on you.
Where is the gas filter on a Oldsmobile Cutlass 1990?
The gas filter on a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass is located along the fuel line, typically underneath the vehicle near the gas tank. It is designed to filter out impurities and debris from the fuel before it reaches the engine. To access and replace the gas filter, you may need to lift the vehicle and locate the filter along the fuel line.
How many 1977 olds cutlass produced with 5 speed trans?
The 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass was not originally offered with a 5-speed manual transmission as a factory option. The standard transmission options for that year included a 3-speed manual and a 3-speed automatic. However, it is possible that some owners may have converted their Cutlass to a 5-speed transmission aftermarket, but specific production numbers for this modification are not readily available.
How does inertia affect the ketchup in the bottle?
Inertia causes the ketchup to resist changes in its state of motion, so when you try to get the ketchup to come out of the bottle by squeezing it or tapping it, the ketchup initially stays in place due to its inertia. Once enough force is applied to overcome the inertia, the ketchup starts to flow out of the bottle.
1971 Olds 350 engines--- how many different ones and what horsepower were they?
In 1971, Oldsmobile offered three different 350 cubic inch V8 engines: a 2-barrel carbureted version with 250 horsepower, a 4-barrel carbureted version with 260 horsepower, and a high-output W-30 version with around 325 horsepower.
How do you change the rear shocks on a 2001 Saab 9-3 convertible?
A friendly suggestion: if you're going to be performing maintenance on your Saab you may want to invest in a service manual (aftermarket should be fine such as Chilton's or Clymer's). There's also lots of help to be found on www.saabnet.com Good luck with your Saab!
How do you put brakes on a 1992 olds cutlass ciera?
Not alot of info. But I suspect you are wondering how to retract the caliper piston so that you can get the new pads in and the whole assy back on the rotor. Since they are "self adjusting" real breaks (that tighten slightly when you use the brake while in reverse) the caliper piston must be rotated counter clockwise while being compressed.
You need to make or buy a special tool.
I got mine at harbor Freight for $20.00. Hope this helps.
New Answerer: I just finished doing this job for a 1990 Cutlass Supreme. I was able to compress the piston by putting gentle pressure on the piston with a 7 or 8 inch C clamp and then rotated the piston CLOCKWISE with Channel Lock pliers for the right rear brakes. (I assume it is counter-clockwise for the left rear.) I got a friend to slowly tighten the clamp while I turned the piston. It is important to use just the edge of the pliers so that the rubber bellows around the piston will not be damaged. I also had to grind the edges of the rotor a little to take off the edges for several inches on each side of the rotor so that the new pad material would not be damaged when the caliper and new pads were slipped over the rotor.
How do you set the choke on a 1984 Olds Cutlass Supreme?
These cars have an electric choke relay . The gap when cold should be 1/8". if not you need to change the unnit on the side of the carb. If it is original you need to drill out the 3 pop rivets holding the plastic housing to remove the old one and replace them with the new screws that come with the new choke relay
Where is the ignition control module on 93 olds cutlass cierra s with 3300 V-6?
The ignition module on a 86 ciara 2.5 is located under hood, center,lower engine area,below driver side of intake manifold . mounted inside of distributor
How do you take a stock radio out a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass?
well if you look buy the shifter there is a piece that is around it you have to remove that peice then you remove two screws that are hard to see but they are under the A/C controls once you take that out the plastic cover that covers everything will be easy from there there are 4 screws the hold the radio bracket in place remove thouse two on each side and you done Here's how I removed the radio in my Altima with very little effort: Park on Nuuanu Avenue near downtown Honolulu where the crackheads congregate just north of Vineyard Avenue. Leave the windows down and the doors unlocked; crackheads are stupid (and on crack), so they may not notice that they don't have to smash the window or screwdriver the lock unless you make it obvious. Procedure takes about fifteen minutes, but it's hard to get a reliable appointment (crackheads don't wear watches), so it's best to leave the car during service hours from about midnight to 5 a.m. Crackheads work for free, but they are kind of messy and sometimes do unexpected extra work like removing your ashtray, or your sunglasses, or your surfboard wax. Yep, surfboard wax. Sometimes they cut themselves and leave blood on your seats, but since they are all in excellent health, there is little chance of HIV, or typhoid, or cholera passing to you. Maybe they will work more neatly if you leave a sandwich and a bottle of Two-Buck Chuck. Anyway, it's a free and effortless method.
Where is the fuel pump in a 1999 Oldsmobile Cutlass?
Fuel Pump Is In Fuel Tank. This Is Not A Do It At Home Project Suggest Take It To A Garrage. If Not; Be Sure To Disconnect Battery. Raise Rear Of Car, Making Sure That It Is Safe To Work Around And Under. Siphon Gasoline From Tank If You Can. Remove Tank, Careful With Wiring; Remove Old Pump From Tank Suggest You Have New One With You. Note Position Of Sender And Pump. Install As Directed. Reverse All Put In Gasoline. ONE OTHER THING NO FLAME OR SMOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you remove ecm on a 92 olds cutlass supreme?
The ECM is located under the coolant reserve tank and mounted to the front of the strut tower. Only a single nut holds it in place. once you remove the nut simply pull it out.
Where can you find the fuse diagram for a 1988 Olds Cutlass?
I have the same car- I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the fuse diagram. The fuse panel is located inside the glove box to the left. Each fuse location is clearly identified for tail lights, wipers, etc. The only one that appears to be missing is the fuse receptacle for the blower fan ( even though it is indicated in writing on the panel). You might have to order a trouble shooting guide for your make or model or just call a dealer's part Dept. and ask them. Good luck.
Where is the brake light switch located on a 2002 Ford Escort?
It is located on a bracket about 8 or 9 inches above the pedal pad for the brakes...should have an electrical connector plugged into the back end of it. Pending on cruise control the assembly could be plastic or threaded metal as the switch body.
Louisville KY
How do you disable the ant-theft system on a 1998 Olds Cutlass?
Turn the key forward for ten min. then shut the key off then try to start it.
Inertia is a fundamental property of all objects having mass. Mass resists the change in motion. Inertia applies to both the states of a body i.e., body at rest and at motion. Inertia is applicable to all objects in everyday life. For example " your body will continue to move forward because of inertia, when suddenly brake are applied during driving"
Inertia is generally given by Newton's first law of motion, which is also called as "the law of inertia". This law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. The more massive an object is, the greater will be its inertia, meaning that s it will require more force to change its state of motion.
What is inertia of rest and inertia of motion?
Intertia is the tendency of an object to maintain its velocity: if an object is at rest, it has the tendency to remain at rest; if it is moving, the tendency is to keep moving with the same velocity. That is what happens if no forces act on the object; if forces act on the object, including gravitation, friction, and others, its velocity will change.
Why would oil light stay on if oil level is full on my 1989 olds cutlass?
It could be your oil sending unit has gone bad.
What are the kinds of inertia?
There are actually 3 kinds of inertia. They are as follows :
1. Inertia of Rest
2. Inertia of Motion
3. Inertia of Direction
But nowadays people consider that there are 2 kinds of inertia , inertia of rest and inertia of motion.