

What does RTO mean in the game rook?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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13y ago

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The Rook is used only as the leading Trump card and can not be played at anytime.

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Q: What does RTO mean in the game rook?
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That would be the Rook nearest the Queen at the start of the game .

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Do you mean the Rook?

What are castles in chess otherwise known as?

The piece that looks like a "castle" is called a "rook".

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In which game rook term is used?

Your question does not make sense. A rook is a piece in the game of Chess. It is the piece that (normally) looks like a castle tower.

Who is the RTO for ComEd?

PJM is the RTO

Is a rook a horse or a knight in the game of chess?

yes, the horse is.

What are the positions of the pieces in a game of chess?

Front row: pawns Back row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook

What board game has a knight pawn and castle?

The board game in which players castle to protect their king and/or develop a rook is called Chess. To castle, the king and rook being castled can not have moved, the king may not be in check, there may not be a piece between the castling king and rook, and an opponent's piece may not be attacking the squares in which the king moves. To castle, the king moves two squares either towards the kingside rook or the queenside rook, and the rook is placed on the square the king passed through. Castling takes one chess turn.

What is rule to move king in chess?

Kings can move one space in ANY directionIf neither the king nor a selected rook has moved yet during the game MAY move the king two spaces towards the selected rook and then move the rook one space to the opposite side of the rook

What Coordinates are the chess pieces on?

For White at the start of the game: a1 = rook b1 = knight c1 = bishop d1 = queen e1 = king f1 = bishop g1 = knight h1 = rook a2 - h2 = 8 pawns For Black at the start of the game: a8 = rook b8 = knight c8 = bishop d8 = queen e8 = king f8 = bishop g8 = knight h8 = rook a7-h7 = 8 pawns

Can you take your king out of check and use him to place the opponent king in check being protected by your rook?

No, this allows your opponent to take your king, ending the game before your rook could retaliate.