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Q: What does SAP mean in PC talk?
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Online Service System - created by SAP to provide services to SAP R/3. Lalit

How do you say sap in french?

If you mean the fluid that goes through a plant, it's sève (it's a feminine noun, so the sap would be "la sève").If you mean sap as in "poor sap", it would probably be something like idiot

What is mean by sap consultant?

People who are working in SAP is called as SAP Consultant. Various types of consultants are there according to their roles. From Programming to sales

What will l happen if another PC in the same network has the same Computer Name as PC?

The PC name is known as the Netbios name, PC's can talk to each other using either the PC name or IP address. The network usually has a server/router that provide directory naming service (DNS) which has a list of PC names and there ip address, when you contact another PC by name, you are infact asking the DNS server for that PC's ip address and then talk to that PC by IP address. So two PC's with the same name will mean that PC's on that network wont be able to talk to both PC by name. This could affect Applications running on these machines as some network applications use PC names as a reference and so this may stop applications working correctly on these machines

How do you write a sentence with sap?

Well, that depends just what "sap" you are referring to.If you mean sap as in the sap of a tree, or other plant, that is a noun. You would use this as a noun as appropiate to the sentence."Maple syrup is made from the sap of the Sugar Maple tree."If you mean sap as in slang for a stupid or gullible person, that is also a noun but with a different meaning. You would only use it in reference to a person."The clerk tried to give me a $7 dollar bill as change! What kind of sap does he think I am?"If you mean sap as in "to drain", that is a verb."Walking through the Sahara Desert without a hat can sapone's strength."If you mean that you want use sap to write withinstead of ink; then you would simply take a stick, sharpen one end, dip it in the sap, then get a piece or paper & start writing. ;P

What does SAP R3 mean?

It's real time 3 tier architecture, where the SAP central database stored.

How can you talk to your friends on PS3 from your PC?

With Skype

What does SAP stamped on an earring mean?

suck a penis

If you have ever touched sap you know it can be a sticky. But that is not what it means when an author describes a character as a sap. What does that mean?

Means he is a stupid person.

What is sap sdn and what does it stand for?

SAP SDN stands for SAP Developer Network. It is a resource for IT Professionals to go to in order to learn and share their knowledge about SAP products and technologies as well as IT practices.

Can you talk a tamagotchi?

Yes, if you have a tamagotchi PC pack.