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Senatus Populusque Romanus means The Senate and People of Rome.

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Q: What does SPQR stand for in Latin and English?
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What is the latin meaning and the English translation of SPQR?

SPQR is the Latin abbreviation for the phrase Senatus Populusque Romanus, meaning the Senate and Roman People.

What is the meaning for spqp in English translation?

SPQR is "Senatus Populus Que Romanus" in Latin and means "the Senate and the people of Rome" in English.

What does SPQR mean on a Roman soldier?

SPQR stands for Senatus Populusque Romanus which is Latin for "The Senate and People of Rome."

In the film gladiators what does SPQR stand for?

S.P.Q.R. I supose and hope that it stands for the same thing as in reality : Senatus PopulusQue Romanus in latin The Senat and the People of Rome. Hope i could help

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Latin words that start with s?

Salve, silva, solus, scribo, sub; to name a few.

What is the meanning SQRR in English?

SQRRR is an acronym that stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. It is a study method used to improve comprehension and retention of information while reading textbooks or academic material.

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Daemon is the Latin version of the English word demon.

What is 'Sto pro veritate' when translated from Latin to English?

"I stand for truth"

What is q in spqr?

The "Q" in S.P.Q.R. stood for the latin suffix "-que" which was added to any latin noun following a previous noun (in this case Populus) to stand for the conjunction "and", thereby changing a simple phrase from a singular to a compound meaning. In other words, S.P.Q.R. meant "the Senate and the People of Rome".

Why is SPQR important to the Romans?

In English, SPQR is usually translated to mean "The Senate and the Roman people" However, literally it would be "the senate and the citizen people of Rome". But there is controversy over that letter Q. The letter Q could stand for quirites which means Roman Citizen, or it could stand for que which is a suffix meaning and. So until some old Roman is resurrected and tells us exactly what SPQR means, "The Senate and the Roman People" will have to do.

Where would you find this written spqr?

What year was the SPQR established?