

What does a farmer grow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Wheat, corn, barley, livestock, legumes, lentils, oilseed crops, etc.

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to grow there crops for measuring

How do farmers decide which crops to grow?

A farmer will decide what crop to go based on where they live (topography, climate, soil), what the future markets may be for a particular crop, what to grow the crop for, how much should be grown, and whether the equipment that farmer has is sufficient to grow that crop. A farmer will usually grow what is in highest demand for their markets and location, what is most commonly grown in his/her area, and/or what they have grown in the past. For instance, a farmer that has grown corn the year before might decide to grow corn again. Or, if the soil is depleted in nutrient sources, the farmer may decide to utilize crop rotation and grow soybeans instead.

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they grow from the garden and farmer mack it

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Tall or fat and grow plant.

Farmer use fertilizer by?

because it helps the plants grow

Who was the first farmer to grow potatoes?

It is impossible to know who the first farmer to grow organic potatoes was. While more farmers grow inorganically now, before the development of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, all farmers grew organically.

Why farmer can grow sugarcane?

Farmers grow sugarcane because it is the plant from which the bulk of refined sugar is made.

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Farmer using labor that is unpaid to help grow crops