

What does a knights helmet represent for?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What does a knights helmet represent for?
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What is something knights wore on their heads?

its Obviously a HELMET

What part of a knights armor was the basiner?

It is in fact the helmet

What does a helmet represent to a samurai?

the samurai helmet represents to fight in a war.

What is something knights wear on their heads?

helmetA Helmet maybe.

What weapons did a crusader carry?

helmet, sword, shield (knights)

Is a knights helmet made out of steel?

One would think so.

What does a knights helmet mean on a coats of arm?

it means courage and loyalty xx :):):)

What does a helmet represent in the god ofm war Ares?

A helmet is a symbol of war as Ares was a god of war.

What was knights armor like?

a knights armer was very heavy and probably uncomfertable. A knights armor consisted of chainmail or platemail and platelegs. a knight also wore a helmet a shield and sword

What armor did knights wear?

a helmet, shin guards silver armour, a shield and a sword