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a linking word is a word that link 2 sentences together. For example "and" "because"

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Q: What does a linking word mean?
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Is the word were a helping verb or a linking verb?

the word were is a LINKING VERB.

What is a sentence with the word linking?

There seems to be no evidence linking the two together.By linking the wires, we complete the circuit.

Is the word promise a action or a linking?

linking......i think

Is wanted a linking verb?

Yes linking word.

Is been a linking verb?

No, "been" is not a linking verb. It is the past participle of the verb "be" and is used to form continuous tenses or the passive voice. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, describing or renaming the subject.

Is action or linking?

The word cat is a noun, a word for an animal, a thing.Words that are linking or action (or being) are verbs.

Are linking words also called describing words?

No, a linking word is a verb and a describing word is an adjective.

Is cat linking or action?

The word cat is a noun, a word for an animal, a thing.Words that are linking or action (or being) are verbs.

Is they a linking verb?

The word 'they' is a plural pronoun which can take the place of a noun. So no, the word 'they' is not a verb and not a linking verb.

Is the word fast an action or linking verb?

is stay an action or linking verb

Is the word are a linking word or action word?

Linking verbs connect to parts of a word: the subject and then subject complement. Linking words are words like: are, is, was, were, and so on. Action verbs denote action as in "He jumps." or "She ran." The subjects are doing something.

Is the word calm a linking verb?

The word calm is an adjective. It means to be peaceful. Calm can also be a noun and a verb.