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Surrealism is a definition of something unreal the term can be used in a dream, nightmare or a piece of art that you wouldn't see in real life

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Q: What does art is an attitude of the mind mean in relation to surrealism?
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Which art movement was dedicated to exploring the unconscious mind?

surrealism APEX:0

What is the name of the art movement that incorporates the concept of the unconscious mind?


What style of art is concerned with the subconscious mind?

Impressionism is not the answer yet the real answer is surrealism.

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The noun 'attitude' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a manner of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects a state of mind; a position of the body or a figure; the position of something in relation to something else.

What inspired surrealism?

Surrealism is meant to be and artistic representation of the unconscious mind and is a response to the Dada movement. Sigmund Freud's work with free association and dream analysis was a heavy inspiration. Surrealists also often aligned themselves with communism and anarchism.

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Mentally capable means if you are up to it mentally and if your mind can comprehend it.

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Attitude means simple behavior. Sometimes a way you act.

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What are characteristics of surrealism?

There are many key characteristics of surrealism. It explores dreams and the unconscious mind as it is inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud. It displays a willingness to depict perverse sexuality, scatology, decay, and violent images. Surrealism incorporates chance and spontaneity. There is an unquestionable influence seen of revolutionary 19th century poets including Arthur Rimbaud, Isidore Ducasse, and Charles Baudelaire.

Which major art style was influenced by Freud?

Surrealism was a major art style influenced by Freud, particularly his theories on the unconscious mind and dream interpretation. Artists such as Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte incorporated these ideas into their work, creating dreamlike and surreal imagery.

What influenced surrealism?

The Surrealist movement started in Paris. This was started by a group of people who believed the unconscious mind brought the power of imagination which was repressed by the conscious mind. Sigmund Freud powerfully influenced this movement.