

What does friction allow us to do?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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In general, friction acts to prevent objects in contact with each other from moving with respect to each other. Friction keeps your furniture where you place it. The friction between your feet [or shoes] and the ground enables you to walk. When you apply the brakes in a car, friction causes the wheels to stop rotating . Friction holds a screw or nail into a board and a nut onto a bolt. Friction between your fingers and an object allows you to pick it up. Friction is proportional to surface roughness. A measurement of the force needed to overcome friction can be used as an indicator of a surface's roughness/smoothness.

When friction is used to reduce relative motion (or to get objects moving), a portion of energy needed to do so is dissipated in the form of heat. This is why a car's brakes get hot and why a nail pulled out of a board can feel warm. Usually, this heat is just a waste byproduct, but it can be useful. The friction of rubbing your hands together will warm them, and the heat of driving a nail into a board can be used to temporarily melt the adhesive on 'cement coated' nails.

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