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Cut the end of the artery going into the back of you knee at the far end of the artery.

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Q: What does it mean if a doctor says he or she is about to dissect the distal end of the popliteal artery?
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What is Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome in common English not doctor's language?

muscles are pretty much strangling the artery and reducing blood flow, which causes the pain

Blood entering into the brachial artery comes from which artery?

ask a doctor

How do you dissect a perch fish?

Ask a surgeon or a doctor. There the answer nobody is allowed to change it.

What job could one do to dissect something?

Doctor, Vetranarian, science teacher, naturalist, and zoologist.

Is it common with liposuction for the doctor to accidentally cut an artery because your doctor had to operate the next day to fix the artery and how often does this happen?

this is very rare..but, just talk with your doctor on the chances

Why doctor places his fingers on a patient's wrist?

to check the pulse rate at an easily acceptable pressure point, where an artery near the surface can be pressed against a bony structure. Other well-known pressure points for measuring pulse include the neck (carotid), groin (femoral), knee (popliteal) and foot (dorsalis pedis).

How does being a doctor involve biology?

In biology you learn how to dissect animal parts and bodies, so you need to know some of that knowledge for surgery when you're a doctor.

What if the doctor hits an artery during a breast biopsy?

If the doctor hits a small artery during a breast biopsy result, you may have some bruising. This situation is similar to that when you get an injection, as with vaccination.

Palpable uterine artery pulsation?

Palpable uterine artery pulsation refers to a medical doctor feeling the uterine artery when your heart beats. Studies are underway to determine if a palpable uterine artery is a possible indicator of early pregnancy.

What is the name of the artery in the neck you feel to see if the patient has a pulse?

The radial artery, carotid artery, and the brachial artery can be used to feel your pulse; but only if you feel them with your tongue. The easiest to do the radial artery, located in your elbow.

Is it bad to have big swollen artery in calf muscle?

ya it is go see a doctor

Was Tim Russert on medication for his heart and cholesterol?

According to his doctor, he was on medication for coronary artery disease.