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It means that humans are very similar to chimpanzees.nmeaninng that the way that they respond and carry out there daily lives is similar to the way we carry out our lives

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Q: What does it mean when human DNA is similar to chimpanzee DNA?
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What species would the theory of evolution predict that human DNA is most similar to that of?

The two chimpanzee species Pan troglodyte and Pan paniscus.

How are primates and humans similar?

The DNA sequence of humans and chimpanzees are 98.5 percent identical, but now Uppalsa University

Is human DNA closer to a chimp or dolphin?

Human was bone in body side ,looking for fish us body stretcher for bone .

Is all DNA different from chimpanzee DNA?


What percent of human and pig Dna is similar?

they are 95% to 90% DNA like us. we are very similar to them.

Do animals have a DNA?

No. But the chimpanzee's DNA is similar to ours by 98%People believe that we humans developed from the 'chimpanzee because of how similar our DNA samples. Itis thought that the chimpanzee is as intelligent as ahuman but in different ways.

How much DNA does a human share with a potato?

Humans share very little with a potato. Chromosomes are a collection of DNA woven around protein. A chromosome may contain as many as 100,000 to billions of nucleotides in one chain. Chimpanzee and humans share a very SIMILAR DNA pattern, where as a potato and a human being don't. So although they both have 48 chromosomes, their DNA STUCTURE is vastly different.

Why does a chimp have DNA?

A Chimpanzee is a living creature and all living creatures have DNA, so naturally a chimpanzee does. DNA contains the genetic code for life, so chimpanzees need to have DNA.

Are humans a product of point mutation?

Possible. We certainly have that record in our genome as compared to the closest human cousin the chimpanzee. But we do not have the DNA of the chimp and human common ancestor.

Why were garden peas used in studying genetics?

because their DNA are similar with the human DNA.

What are the most related to humans?

A chimpanzee, or a type of monkey.The most similar animal to humans are chimpanzee, which is a type of monkey.