

Sandwich means what?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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15y ago

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1762, said to be an allusion to John Montagu (1718-92), Fourth Earl Sandwich, who was said to be an inveterate gambler who ate slices of cold meat between bread at the gaming table during marathon sessions rather than get up for a proper meal (this account dates to 1770). It was in his honor that Cook named the Sandwich (Hawaiian) islands (1778) when Montagu was first lord of the Admiralty. The verb is from 1861. Sandwich board is from 1864. The family name is from the place in Kent, O.E. Sandwicæ, lit. "sandy harbor (or trading center)."

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11y ago

It means to take two pieces of bread, and either put some meat, or some peanut butter and jelly in between the two pieces of bread. The sandwich was invented by the Earl of Sandwich when he was playing cards, and he wanted some fast food to prepare and eat while playing cards. He got the idea of taking two pieces of bread and putting meat in the middle of the two pieces of bread and eating it.

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