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Q: Which does not spread hepatitis c infection?
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What are the differences in symptoms between Hepatitis A, B and C?

Hepatitis A is a acute infection that usually goes away on its own. It can affect many people at once and can be transported through food or drink. Hepatitis B can be acute or chronic, it can spread through blood or fluids. Hepatitis C is almost always chronic and is only spread by blood. There are vaccines for A and B, but there is no treatment for C.

Can mosquito's spread hepatitis c?


A liver infection spread through infected blood that can cause liver cancer is?

Both Hepatitis B and C fit this description.

What are three pathogens spread by blood and body fluids?

Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and AIDS

Is a inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection and contracted by coming in contact with an infected person's blood or body fluids?

Hepatitis B, C, and D are spread by coming into contact with an infected person's blood. Hepatitis A and E are spread by coming into contact with an infected person's stool.

Are Hepatitis B and C a viral infection of the liver?

yes b-c viral infection

Does hepatitis A and hepatities B spread from blood to blood contact?

In the past, people have contracted hepatitis C through blood transfusions

What is a disease of the liver primarily spread through contact with contaminated blood or blood products?

I believe it is Hepatitis C.

What diseases can be spread by dirty needles?

Hepatitis C

Why is hepatitis a called hepatitis a?

"Hepatic" means of or about the liver. "itis" at the end of a word means infection of that organ. Hepatitis B got its name because it was discovered before Hepatitis A. There is also a Hepatitis C. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E all refer to diseases of the liver.

Are hepatitis and tattoos linked?

Hepatitis is spread via blood. If a tattoo needle is used on someone with hepatitis, then used on someone else without being totally sterilized first, it is possible to spread the infection to the other person.

How are bloodborne pathogens spread?

Substances present in the blood that can cause infection or disease. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are bloodborne pathogens since they are spread through blood and can cause a liver infection.