

Best Answer

the word tal, does not translate but add Qué


¿Qué tal?

is slang for What's up?

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Q: What does tal mean in Spanish?
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What is que tal mean in spanish?

Que tal (expresión) --- That such (expression)

What does tal vez mean in english?

In Spanish or Portuguese, tal vez = 'perhaps'

What does the Spanish word Que tal mean?

The spanish phrase que tal means whats up or whats going on.

What does katal mean in spanish?

"Katal" means nothing. "¿Qué tal?" means how are you.

How do use the spanish phrase 'tal vez'?

Tal vez means "maybe" in Spanish.

What is ktal in Spanish?

"Qué tal" means "What's up?" in Spanish. "Qué tal si..." means "What about if..." or ¨How about (if)..." in Spanish

How do you say Que tal in spanish?

¿Qué tal? is pronounced (kay-tal).

How do you write que tal in spanish?

You would write it as ¿Qué tal?

What does how is it going mean in Spanish?

¿Cómo va? / ¿Qué tal va? (esto, éste, ésta)

What does the Spanish word kitaal mean in English?

It could be "que tal" that stands for "How are you/how is going/what is up"

What language is tal vez?

Tal vez is a Spanish word that means maybe, possibly, or perhaps when translated into English. Therefore, perhaps tal vez is of the Spanish language.

What does ke tall mean in spanish?

It is actually "que tal", because of pronunciation differences from English to spanish. It means "How's it going?".