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It helps us to understand what kind of thing something is (e.g plant, animal, vegetable or mineral). It can also be used for finding cures for diseases. Another function could be for finding out how microscopic things work.

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Q: What does the microscope allows us to see and understand?
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What type of microscope allows us to see cell organelles?

scanning electron microscope.

What do you call the instrument that allows us to see atoms?

An electron microscope.

How did the microscope change america?

It allows us to see things that we were unable to see by the human eye.

What type of telescope allows us to see deep into space where light cannot be seen?

A compound microscope

What makes it easier to understand things that are too small to large or too hard to observe directly?

A general answer to your question would be: tools. For example, a microscope is a tool that makes it easier to understand things that are too small to observe directly. An x-ray machine is a tool that allows us to see inside of things that are too hard to see inside of directly. A knife is a tool that allows us to cut up large things to see what is inside of them.

What type of microscope allows us to visualize the positions of individual items?

a scanning probe microscope

How did the microscope change the way you see the world around us?

It helped us to notice not just more things, but also to better understand things that were already discovered. For example, a microscope was part of helping to discover cells.

What does an electroscope do?

I'm guessing you mean the electron microscope. The EM does the same thing an ordinary visible light microscope does which is allows the viewer to see very tiny things. But the EM allows the viewer to see things that are way smaller than the smallest objects the ordinary microscope can see. The electron microscope allows us to see those way smaller objects because the electro-magnetic waves that the electron microscope uses to illuminate the target object we want to view are orders of magnitude shorter than visible light waves. And a rule of physics is that whatever object we want to see can only be seen when the illuminating waves are shorter than the object's size.

How did the 1st compound microscope help us to understand cells?

gawsh i dno

Is it true that an ordinary light microscope is many times more powerful than a scanning electron microscope?

Two different technologies but SEM is far superior and allows us to see much smaller organism/viruses

Why is the microscope a good invention?

The microscope allows humans to see the world of the microcosms and atoms. Special microscopes allow us to see DNA, Genetic material. and microbes, germs, viruses that are not viewable with the human eye. Without the microscope the medical and scientific world would not have progressed as it has. It has save millions of lives for many decades now. Did you know the microscope was discovered accidentally?

What system allows us to see-?

The visual system is what allows people to see things with.