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the pancreascreates enzymes for the digestive system and produces hormones for the endocrine system

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Q: What does the pancreas do with the digestive system and the endocrine system?
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Which endocrine gland is also part of the digestive system?

The pancreas is part of the Endocrine and Digestive Systems.

The pancreas is part of two system and the endocrine system and the?

The endocrine & Digestive.

In which organ system is the pancreas?

endocrine and digestive i think.

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Is the ovary or pancreas an endocrine gland?

Both the ovary and pancreas have endocrine functions. The ovary also functions in the reproductive system, and the pancreas has an exocrine function in the digestive system.

Which two organ systems include the pancreas?

digestive system and the endocrine system

What is panccreas?

The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates.

The pancreas is part of what two systems?

The endocrine & Digestive.

Pancreas belongs to what bodily system?

The pancreas is a glandular organ and is part of both the endocrine and digestive systems.

The pancreas is part of what system in the body?

The pancreas is a part of the endocrine system and the exocrine system. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by the endocrine part in order to regulate glucose concentrations in the blood.On the other hand, the exocrine portion secretes enzymes into the small intestine to neutralize the acidic chyme and for digesting carbohydrates, fats , and proteins.

Is the pancreas apart of the circulatory system?

No, the pancreas is not a part of the circulatory system. It is part of both the digestive and endocrine systems as it secretes digestive enzymes and produces hormones (such as insulin).

to what body system does the pancreas more properly belong?

the endocrine system is the answer. The pancreas has dual roles - it is an organ of the digestive system and of the endocrine system. The exocrine pancreas produces enzymes that help to digest food, particularly protein. The endocrine pancreas makes the hormone insulin, which helps to control blood sugar levels.